Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
Also, in the interest of getting my wife to the UK asap we felt it was quicker to not change her passport in Phils, but obviously in your case Andy, you have some time available so that wont matter so much.

Looking back, I (we) had developed a paranoia about a lot of the processes required to get my good wife to the UK and so we took what appeared to be the easy route by skipping out a visit to the DFA. As in get the Mrs over here and worry about the passport later. I had come across some folk who had problems when they submitted their passport to the DFA for a name change and so we went for the alternative approach. In truth, it may be just as potentially tricky (or easy) either way.

If you do opt to go for not renewing the passport in Phils, once over here, in our case my wife takes my surname with her maiden name as her second name (if you see what I mean), which seems to work really well when she presents her passport and MC as ID here, as those that need to know can see both my surname and her maiden name together.

Ah I see what you mean lastlid. What a game!. Shes worth it though,