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Thread: Barrio Festival no 21 16/17th July 2005

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Barrio Report - Filipino Festival at Lampton Park, Hounslow

    I attended the 21st Barrio Festival at Lampton Park, Hounslow West London on Saturday 16th July, the setting for the festival was one of the hotest days this year, at a very scorching 35 degrees, and by Filipino standards pretty normal weather.

    Parking facilities for those travelling by car or Coach was available at a cost of £5.00 for a car, I saw at least 10 coaches, from various areas of the UK, people had travelled from as far as Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle and Scotland, it was great to see so many Filipino families with their children all sitting out in the shade, having Food and generally enjoying themselves.

    My thoughts.

    I arrived at around 12.30pm, just about the hotest part of the day, the Festival was being monitored by an outsourced security firm, most of the security people tended to be Africans, and were wearing orange t shirts, although ABS-CBN T.V.Service from Manila were present throughout the day, I was rather dissapointed that they chose to fence off the main stage area, this was I managed to ascertain, to be a privilidge entry area, they were trying to get as many people as possible to sign up for a 6 channel t.v. package in the UK costing £27.00.

    This then entitled visitors to gain entry to the inner sanctum as I call it, where guests could sit down nearest the stage, the main crowd had to stand behind high fencing, which Again I thought was rather sad, as it was very difficult to see the stage or those performing on it.

    At first glance, I thought the entertainment started off well, however it quickly became apparent to me, that it was going to take the form of typical Filipino T.V. Style entertainment, variety shows, actors who sing, singers who act, that sort of entertainment, and the usual whining of someone with a microphone blasting out in Tagalog, there was very little english spoken which is of course only natural considering the crowd were most probably all Tagalog speakers, I was suprised to note how few White Western British faces I could see, having walked around the grounds extensively, looking at the hoards of tents selling everything from Chicken Adobo right through to the chance of a property in the Philippines, the noticable absence of British white people made me think that it was not as well served by the husbands community as I thought it would be.

    However I did link up with a British guy from South London, and we tended to chat for most of the afternoon, as we tucked into some nicely provided cans of Fosters lager, from his circle of Filipino freinds, who he employed as painters and decorators

    at around 1.30pm, just as the cheeky girls (usual sexy dancing) were on stage, someone must have made a mistake and put on the Philippine National Anthem, Lupang Hinirang, this of course looked truly out of place, as the girls just carried on with their sexy up and down display, then a Female official from the Philippine Centre, the organizers, came on and "threw all of her toys out of the Pram" by stating the following

    The Philippine National Anthem Lupang Hinirang should not have been played just then, it has come to our attention that some
    one is desicrating the Philippine National Flags, you must remember how lucky you are to be here in the United Kingdom, I have been here for 23 years, and I am a Filipino, she then punched the air once a again and jumped up, to the prounoucement we are all Filipinos here in the UK, you are all lucky, I am lucky, but we must not forget who we are...we are Filipinos

    I looked around to see what effect this had with people, in my view, people didnt really make any comment, and look totally disinterested as if to say "Why are you getting all up tight, in any event we are in UK and we dont have to do as you say anymore" that level of control that Filipinos are used to, has by now of course dissapeared with time, no longer do they have to take notice of someone shouting "You should remember where you come from, and how lucky you are " well thats my thoughts on that.

    The day went well...although the entertainment still smacked of variety show Philippines, and long periods of ranting in Tagalog, something of which I found irritating since we had to keep asking our Filipino freinds what was being said, something of which was rather funny considering it felt like we were in the Philippines, you could have forgiven us for thinking we were in our own Capital City, but having said that, it was a day for them and not really for us, its interesting, that at no time, did the word Foreigener ever get used in relation to the Filipinos, a marked difference between our treatment in the Philippines, we all assume of course that anyone who is here in UK is here because they have a right to be, and it was mentioned by one Filipino that here in the Uk, you feel a part of the country regardless of your ethnicity.

    Filipinos in general did love the food, many food outlets were present, and a new restaraunt has opened in West London, called Josephines, at 4 Charlotte Street London W1, I have to say that the Filipinos, were great, in all things, the group I was with, provided the beer constantly, and in the times that I put my hand in my pocket to put a few quid in tthe kitty, they would not accept it, that is something that made me feel a part of the occasion, and maybe they were glad to see that we had showed up as well.

    It was nice to see so many families there, all sitting under the trees, eating, drinking, and generally lying around, some playing football, others throwing hoops. everyone seemed to like the occasion, Western union were there, also providing money transfer services as were 1st Remit and Metro Remit, suprise suprise, wherever Filipinos are...someone is sure to think of providing remitttance services, Western Union appeared to be offering a cheap rate on the day for sending money.

    There were many other vendors and organizations selling everything from Books "how to get to UK" i thought that was funny since they were already here..but you never know.

    All in all a great day out, and for all those people who told me they were meeting there for a photo, sorry folks, no one contacted me apart from Keith who couldnt make it, and Paul Thomas {Oiishi) who was on official business after the London Bombings, well done Paul, thanks for all the good work your staff are putting in down in Westminster.

    To those who go on Sunday I hope you had a good day.

    Will be sending Pics to those whose e mails I have.

  2. #2
    Filipino food at a Filipino festival? Shock horror
    Filipino LAnguage spoken at a Filipino festival? whatever next!!
    Try and learn some TAgalog then you will not feel so left out.

    I am assuming that this was the first festival you have attended?

    Of course it was like a Filipino variety show on stage because thats what it was meant to be " A filipino barrio fiesta" where strangely they all talk in Tagalog and enjoy Filipino entertainment.

    Money remittance is a Big part of why OFW (overseas Filipino Workers ) leave the family and work it is to send money home, when you think a nurse in the Philippines is on £80-100 GBP per month then you will know how wealthy they are here.

    I have been married to Asawa for 21 years now, I am guessing that you have recently started down that path..

    We go to the Philippines every year at least once, try and visit there as much as you can, you will not be smitten on your first fre visits but the more times that you visit the more you will fall in love with the islands.

    Do not stay with the family but spread your wings and travel, Island flights arte very cheap.... lastly to avoid being called a foreigner every time you are there 'dress down( I don't mean like a homeless tramp), do not carry expensive cameras around your neck and jewelry it will only cause resentment and cause you to be a target, I have never had problems in The Philippines and I will be there again Xmas day..

    Enjoy the place.

    There is another Festival in Bristol on July31st At Ashton Court Estate Asawa and I will be there if anyone wants to chat..

    Unfortunatly we were due to go to Hounslow on Sunday but a sudden death of my Uncle stopped that..

    have fun

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by pigsinspace@Jul 19 2005, 07:29 PM
    Filipino food at a Filipino festival? Shock horror
    Filipino LAnguage spoken at a Filipino festival? whatever next!!
    Try and learn some TAgalog then you will not feel so left out.

    I am assuming that this was the first festival you have attended?

    Of course it was like a Filipino variety show on stage because thats what it was meant to be " A filipino barrio fiesta" where strangely they all talk in Tagalog and enjoy Filipino entertainment.

    Money remittance is a Big part of why OFW (overseas Filipino Workers ) leave the family and work it is to send money home, when you think a nurse in the Philippines is on £80-100 GBP per month then you will know how wealthy they are here.

    I have been married to Asawa for 21 years now, I am guessing that you have recently started down that path..

    We go to the Philippines every year at least once, try and visit there as much as you can, you will not be smitten on your first fre visits but the more times that you visit the more you will fall in love with the islands.

    Do not stay with the family but spread your wings and travel, Island flights arte very cheap.... lastly to avoid being called a foreigner every time you are there 'dress down( I don't mean like a homeless tramp), do not carry expensive cameras around your neck and jewelry it will only cause resentment and cause you to be a target, I have never had problems in The Philippines and I will be there again Xmas day..

    Enjoy the place.

    There is another Festival in Bristol on July31st At Ashton Court Estate Asawa and I will be there if anyone wants to chat..

    Unfortunatly we were due to go to Hounslow on Sunday but a sudden death of my Uncle stopped that..
    have fun

    Why there are so many people that critisizing the pilipino but they got married,isn&#39;t quite bit they critisized there ownself.It seems just like they spit on the ground afterwards licked it. We didn&#39;t come here for free we paid for it specially our nurse&#39;s and we work very hard in this country with a a high TAX and besides we are not after only for the money rather we respect and love the people that we looked after. All pilipino nurse that working here got there legal papers and pass the very strict interview unlike the others the they come here ilegal and leaving for free with foods,house and paid by the UK government <_<.
    And the Law here they are more favor to the vilain people.And British worker are abusive and very are very lazy all they want is money even they are not sick they got money and pension etc. And dont have initiative and no heart.

    I will wish try to looked at their own backyard before they critisized.
    Even we are poor we have heart our culture is quite good compare here.

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by pigsinspace@Jul 19 2005, 07:29 PM
    Filipino food at a Filipino festival? Shock horror
    Filipino LAnguage spoken at a Filipino festival? whatever next&#33;&#33;
    Try and learn some TAgalog then you will not feel so left out.

    I am assuming that this was the first festival you have attended?

    Of course it was like a Filipino variety show on stage because thats what it was meant to be " A filipino barrio fiesta" where strangely they all talk in Tagalog and enjoy Filipino entertainment.

    Money remittance is a Big part of why OFW (overseas Filipino Workers ) leave the family and work it is to send money home, when you think a nurse in the Philippines is on £80-100 GBP per month then you will know how wealthy they are here.

    I have been married to Asawa for 21 years now, I am guessing that you have recently started down that path..

    We go to the Philippines every year at least once, try and visit there as much as you can, you will not be smitten on your first fre visits but the more times that you visit the more you will fall in love with the islands.

    Do not stay with the family but spread your wings and travel, Island flights arte very cheap.... lastly to avoid being called a foreigner every time you are there &#39;dress down( I don&#39;t mean like a homeless tramp), do not carry expensive cameras around your neck and jewelry it will only cause resentment and cause you to be a target, I have never had problems in The Philippines and I will be there again Xmas day..

    Enjoy the place.

    There is another Festival in Bristol on July31st At Ashton Court Estate Asawa and I will be there if anyone wants to chat..

    Unfortunatly we were due to go to Hounslow on Sunday but a sudden death of my Uncle stopped that..
    have fun

    Well Well Well...Piginspace, hard to tell really, if you are male or female..since you dont mention, nor do you identify yourself in your profile., plus we dont know where you are...other than you say.."married to Asawa" well I have to take your advices under advisement should I ? but first let me just explain, that the Barrio Fiesta article is a report I have done after having visited..yes its the first time, however my report is objective, what I try to do is not take a subjective veiwpoint and make it a personal attack on any individual, I have read your post, and find that you are somehow trying to educate me as to the Filipino culture, there is no need I assure you, considering I am married to a Filipino, have visited the Philippines 7 times in the last 18 months, and lived in the Philippines for over 3 months during 2004, and as for learning Tagalog, I find that incredible, since I am one of the few active members, as well as moderating on this forum, who can converse in Tagalog to a basic degree, plus I also have to converse in Ilongo, my wife&#39;s local language, so forgive me for laughing at your suggestion.

    Thank you for your advice about "Try not to be smitten on your first visit and get around a bit" hmmmm so where in the philippines that I have been do you want me to talk about ?

    If you read some of my travel posts, which I doubt you have looked at, you will probably find that my guide to the Philippines has been the most extensive guide ever written on this forum, my own personal website has over 10 pages of travel information on most areas that I have visited in the Philippines, where do you want me to start ?

    And as for being called a foreigner &#33; dont be upset that filipino&#39;s do think everyone in the country who has travelled there, is one, you just dont like admitting that whilst Filipino&#39;s generally are a great people, officialdom tends to treat foreign visitors as such, foreigners, the Philipines sadly is not a cosmopolitan country that welcomes everyone from other countries, just live it, will you &#33;&#33;

    If you are going to post on this forum, try not to make personal assumptions about other members, we do tend to be a family on this forum, we take a light hearted look at things, we like a joke, but the guys dont like personal attacks on members.

    Apart from that...have a nice day

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by love8888@Jul 20 2005, 08:44 PM
    Why there are so many people that critisizing the pilipino but they got married,isn&#39;t quite bit they critisized there ownself.It seems just like they spit on the ground afterwards licked it. We didn&#39;t come here for free we paid for it specially our nurse&#39;s and we work very hard in this country with a a high TAX and besides we are not after only for the money rather we respect and love the people that we looked after. All pilipino nurse that working here got there legal papers and pass the very strict interview unlike the others the they come here ilegal and leaving for free with foods,house and paid by the UK government <_<.
    And the Law here they are more favor to the vilain people.And British worker are abusive and very are very lazy all they want is money even they are not sick they got money and pension etc. And dont have initiative and no heart.

    I will wish try to looked at their own backyard before they critisized.
    Even we are poor we have heart our culture is quite good compare here.

    Well what can we say...whats your point ? are you criticizing the fact that we may just want to make one or two valid points about the Barrio Fiesta, love8888 what point are you trying to make ? no one is saying that Filipino Nurses do not have a right to be in this country, Im sure they all pass stringent interviews and comply with our Immigration rules, have we ever said here on this forum, that they havent ? if you are referring to illegal immigration, that is true, there are over 500,000 people here illegally, for you to suggest that British workers are abusive, and lazy, to quote your comments, is a rather rash statement, and to suggest further that they do not have inititative or heart, is highly subjective, and what evidence do you posess to back up your claim ?

    I am sure the British people will thank you for your rhetoric and incredible claims about them, but if you are living in the UK, and working in our country, then good luck to you, we are happy that you are, but please, try to refrain from dragging down our country and way of life, if you are not satisfied with our country, you may always seek to return to your own, no one is holding you here are they ? how would you feel if I said..Filipinos are corrupt, thieves and Robbers &#33;&#33;&#33; they are stupid, ..its not nice to say that is it, how could I say that, since so many of my freinds are Filipino&#39;s my Aunts Uncles and cousins are all Filipino&#39;s, so come on Love888 stop generalizing and come back with a decent contribution.

  6. #6
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    Piece of advice to Ginapeterb: Don&#39;t pay too much attention to Pigsinspace. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years, and started to write down the things I did while I was there. I shared those writings, and he called me a liar because I didn&#39;t have pictures.

    During my time in the Philippines, I never felt more at home, even when I went home. Filipinos have the best fiestas I&#39;ve seen world-wide. The people are wonderfully friendly, and the land is a true paradise. I look forward to my next visit to the Philippines. I might even retire there&#33;
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'>®</span>

  7. #7
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Joey@Jul 21 2005, 02:54 PM
    Piece of advice to Ginapeterb: Don&#39;t pay too much attention to Pigsinspace. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years, and started to write down the things I did while I was there. I shared those writings, and he called me a liar because I didn&#39;t have pictures.

    During my time in the Philippines, I never felt more at home, even when I went home. Filipinos have the best fiestas I&#39;ve seen world-wide. The people are wonderfully friendly, and the land is a true paradise. I look forward to my next visit to the Philippines. I might even retire there&#33;

    Joey thank you for that advice, Filipinos do know how to Party, I know lots of Filipinos both in UK an overseas, many of my freinds are Filipinos, however there are times when we have a chat session and it may get heated, we do exchange viewpoints about each others society, that is how we exchange ideas, the Philippines is I agree with you a delightful country, the people also, there is much wrong with it..and so much that is good.

    I shall not of course be providing photographic evidence of any of my claims since they are opinions on how I find the Philippines, like yourself having extensively travelled around it, I am entitled to my viewpoint, that is the basis of this forum...happy writing.

  8. #8
    Originally posted by Joey@Jul 21 2005, 02:54 PM
    Piece of advice to Ginapeterb: Don&#39;t pay too much attention to Pigsinspace. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years, and started to write down the things I did while I was there. I shared those writings, and he called me a liar because I didn&#39;t have pictures.

    During my time in the Philippines, I never felt more at home, even when I went home. Filipinos have the best fiestas I&#39;ve seen world-wide. The people are wonderfully friendly, and the land is a true paradise. I look forward to my next visit to the Philippines. I might even retire there&#33;

    Please show me the post where I called you a liar&#33;&#33;&#33;

    if anyone lives anywhere for 3 years they will have pics.

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@Jul 21 2005, 01:12 PM
    Well what can we say...whats your point ? are you criticizing the fact that we may just want to make one or two valid points about the Barrio Fiesta, love8888 what point are you trying to make ? no one is saying that Filipino Nurses do not have a right to be in this country, Im sure they all pass stringent interviews and comply with our Immigration rules, have we ever said here on this forum, that they havent ? if you are referring to illegal immigration, that is true, there are over 500,000 people here illegally, for you to suggest that British workers are abusive, and lazy, to quote your comments, is a rather rash statement, and to suggest further that they do not have inititative or heart, is highly subjective, and what evidence do you posess to back up your claim ?

    I am sure the British people will thank you for your rhetoric and incredible claims about them, but if you are living in the UK, and working in our country, then good luck to you, we are happy that you are, but please, try to refrain from dragging down our country and way of life, if you are not satisfied with our country, you may always seek to return to your own, no one is holding you here are they ? how would you feel if I said..Filipinos are corrupt, thieves and Robbers &#33;&#33;&#33; they are stupid, ..its not nice to say that is it, how could I say that, since so many of my freinds are Filipino&#39;s my Aunts Uncles and cousins are all Filipino&#39;s, so come on Love888 stop generalizing and come back with a decent contribution.

    Well thank you for your comment that filipinos are Filipinos are corrupt, thieves and Robbers &#33;&#33;&#33; I respect your openion,and besides this forum i believe is feel free to write what you seen, read and experienced.

    And I am not dragging your country down? INfact I am very proud that this country has a nature.Wacth the BBC/Panorama and see how the old people treathened

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by pigsinspace@Jul 21 2005, 07:41 PM
    Please show me the post where I called you a liar&#33;&#33;&#33;

    if anyone lives anywhere for 3 years they will have pics.
    I can&#39;t get to the AC2 forum from work, so I can&#39;t get your quote.

    You did say something like you just did here. Since I didn&#39;t have pictures, and you say that if I was there I would have pictures, you are inferring that I lied. you just did it again here.

    I do have pictures, but they were not relevant to what I was writing. Since I was writing about the women I knew, and my wife got rid of those pictures, I had none to post there. I have family pictures and some pictures of areas in Subic Bay. They had nothing to do with what I was writing. I have a web pages with family pictures and such, but I will not be sharing those.
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'>®</span>

  11. #11
    you cannot get to AC2?
    I guess that means that you have been banned.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Joey@Jul 22 2005, 09:57 AM
    I can&#39;t get to the AC2 forum from work, . . .
    I said it somewhere else, and I&#39;ll say it here. Read what I wrote. I&#39;m quoting it here. You&#39;re stupid. See the "from work" part? I&#39;ll be redundant and say you&#39;re stupid. I&#39;ll qualify that statement and say that you are picking a portion of a statement and coming to conclusions without looking at the whole statement. How is being banned (which I&#39;m not) relevant? Are you just stupid?
    Joey<span style=\'color:red\'>®</span>

  13. #13
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by love8888@Jul 22 2005, 04:18 AM
    Well thank you for your comment that filipinos are Filipinos are corrupt, thieves and Robbers &#33;&#33;&#33; I respect your openion,and besides this forum i believe is feel free to write what you seen, read and experienced.
    And I am not dragging your country down? INfact I am very proud that this country has a nature.Wacth the BBC/Panorama and see how the old people treathened

    Love888 I understand your concerns about how elderly people are treated, I think you are referring to the BBC Panorama undercover programme this week, Im not denying that is true, but the reason you know about this, is because the BBC is not censored and is impartial in its reporting, as we have a state funded national health service from general taxation, some NHS Trusts are more efficient than others, this is only to be expected,
    Wacth the BBC/Panorama and see how the old people treathened
    I totally agree with you, the treatment was scandalous, however, it is a matter for the Director of the Royal Sussex Hospital to sort out, it is not representative of the whole country, we cannot generalize about treatment in a socially funded healthcare system, that would be easy to do would it not.

    As far as Filipinos are concerned, please could you refrain from misquoting me

    Well thank you for your comment that filipinos are Filipinos are corrupt, thieves and Robbers &#33;&#33;&#33;
    Again I did not say that, I merely said, how would you feel if I did ? of course everyone on this Forum knows who I am, and what I stand for, I am a cosmopolitan Londoner, who lives among 200 nationalities, I have countless Filipino acquaitances, my wife is Filipino, My Aunts and Uncles and cousins and relatives are Filipino.

    I was merely making the point again, which i will do for you, that I do not generalize in nationality labels, Most Filipinos are good honest and decent people, however I have bumped into corrupt ones too, just be aware that in any society, there is good and bad.

    Im sure when you examine this, you will find my post reasonable.

    Thanks for listening

  14. #14
    Are you just stupid?
    thats called flaming on other boards and would get u banned...

  15. #15
    That Panarama Programme was not representative of the entire Royal Sussex county Hospital..

    My uncle died in Bailey ward in the Royal Sussex last sunday. BAiley is another elderly persons ward and the staff done as much as they could to help BUT they are very limited when there are only 2-3 nurses per ward.
    The NHS needs to employ more auxilary (or helpers ) who can just clean and feed the elderly patients. as im sure we all know the elderly are more demanding than other patients. Also a problem in the Royal Sussex is the number of beds taken up by elderly patients who have no where else to go.

    The guy seen shouting at the patient is actually an indian and not Filipino( he does not work there anymore)

    There is major refurbishment going on in the Sussex as well so that did not make it look to good, there is a large modern tower (millenium wing) behind the old part of the hospital but that was not mentioned in the film,
    all the film wants to do is make "good" television.

    I know for a fact the "undercover nurse" could not look after 12 sick elderly patients on her own..

    Asawa spoke to a couple of filipino nurses the day my uncle died and they said the hosptail is of a very good standard..
    so level heads here it was only a tv programme made to shock.
    how many hours of GOOD footage was left out?
    One last point as for the staff eating the left over food what is the problem there? it will only go in the bin...

    I have only the highest respect for the nursing staff at THe Royal Sussex County, they tried their best to care for my uncle and from what I could see all the other patients in his ward.

  16. #16
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    if anyone lives anywhere for 3 years they will have pics.
    I lived in Fazakerley for 3 years, have no pics, I lived in Seaforth for 5 years, have no pics, I lived in Litherland for 7 years, have no pics.....maybe I need to jump in the Tardis with a camera just to make Pigsinspace look as though he&#39;s said something right for a change&#33;&#33;

    thats called flaming on other boards and would get u banned...
    Not on here it doesn&#39;t, and you never answered the question anyway&#33; Or are you to stupid to understand it? :lol:

    You have the same attitude problem as a member on one of my other forums, he hasn&#39;t got a life either :lol:

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  17. #17
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    But the Panorama programme does highlight some serious problems in our wards, and no amount of spin or dressing up can change this or how it appears. The simple truth is M-O-N-E-Y.

    I was involved in hospital radio for years, and the number of times I heard "theres no money for this, no money for that" and the reliance on various charities in hospital was scandalous, and still is. Why are hospitals still relying on donations for the most basic stuff like for example for MRI scanners or kids playrooms? The situation is getting better, but it will take years to undo the damage done by succesive Tory governments.

    You lot as so lucky in England to have a fully functioning hospital - here in Aberystwyth&#39;s Bronglais Hospital, most outpatients appointments for stuff like ENT, etc, take place in Carmarthen, 45 miles away, and theres even been threats to close the A&E. So lets see, the nearest A&E will be Carmarthen (again&#33, Newtown or Glan Clywd in Llandudno, all within a minimum 40 mile drive.

    The big mistake hospitals are STILL (and this is down to the Blair governnment) making is employing Managers for this that and everything else. We pay these jumped up tarts to make decisions that anyone with common sense could make. Why?

    There rant over&#33; B)

  18. #18
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    I&#39;ve spent many weeks in hosiptal over the years, 5 different hosiptals in all, and they are all under staffed, but one thing you do find is that when Filipino&#39;s are on the ward, they are the one&#39;s doing most of the work, and always find time to spend with the patient.

    Not all, but a good number, of young British nurses, are lazy & arrogant, and are only interested in no work, and more pay. (Sounds like the teachers as well :unsure: )

    Keith & Ping

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    Last Post: 19th July 2011, 17:15
  4. new spouse visa requirements from 17th july? dilema!
    By \\\\ToNy//// in forum UK VISA/British Citizenship
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: 22nd June 2011, 20:56
  5. Barrio Fiesta London 2005
    By mrsfrivolity in forum Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic
    Replies: 49
    Last Post: 26th June 2005, 18:47

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