Filipino food at a Filipino festival? Shock horror
Filipino LAnguage spoken at a Filipino festival? whatever next!!
Try and learn some TAgalog then you will not feel so left out.
I am assuming that this was the first festival you have attended?
Of course it was like a Filipino variety show on stage because thats what it was meant to be " A filipino barrio fiesta" where strangely they all talk in Tagalog and enjoy Filipino entertainment.
Money remittance is a Big part of why OFW (overseas Filipino Workers ) leave the family and work it is to send money home, when you think a nurse in the Philippines is on £80-100 GBP per month then you will know how wealthy they are here.
I have been married to Asawa for 21 years now, I am guessing that you have recently started down that path..
We go to the Philippines every year at least once, try and visit there as much as you can, you will not be smitten on your first fre visits but the more times that you visit the more you will fall in love with the islands.
Do not stay with the family but spread your wings and travel, Island flights arte very cheap.... lastly to avoid being called a foreigner every time you are there 'dress down( I don't mean like a homeless tramp), do not carry expensive cameras around your neck and jewelry it will only cause resentment and cause you to be a target, I have never had problems in The Philippines and I will be there again Xmas day..
Enjoy the place.
There is another Festival in Bristol on July31st At Ashton Court Estate Asawa and I will be there if anyone wants to chat..
Unfortunatly we were due to go to Hounslow on Sunday but a sudden death of my Uncle stopped that..
have fun