'The size of turnover is irrelevant'.
Now that's silly talk.![]()
'The size of turnover is irrelevant'.
Now that's silly talk.![]()
Just watched the programme some fairly despicable practices detailed - I hope the Office of Fair Trading or whoever takes these shysters to court.
One example :-
Tesco Chickens widely advertised at £4 Jan - June 2011, increased by 25% and advertised at £5 July - Aug 2011 - Big Price Drop Sept 2011 slashed to £4 - what do you think about that Andy n Grasya ? (Tesco being charitable again flogging them at £4 ?)
I just watched it too. Nothing there I didn't already know.
That's what 'customer service' is all about today Dedworth.
Con the consumer from every angle...with a smile.
Marketing = manipulation.
Selling =shafting.
Professionals against amateurs.
i am very careful when it comes to shopping and spending money, not that i am tight or anything just carefull, do i want, and i have to convince myself that its what i need, farmfoods, aldi, wilkinsons and pak shop, not paky shop Graham, Pak shop here in derby, the trouble at the mo is farmfoods are doing 3 loaves for £2, i cant eat that much bread before it goes green,i did not realize this until i asked em why my bread was getting smaller the slices she was cutting the mould off, so the ducks are happy near me now they have the extra loaf,
I just freeze the bread.
You can even put it straight in the toaster still frozen.
I got a whole load today at about 20p a loaf.![]()
anyway the freezer is full of farmfoods![]()
never walk in tesco for over 3 years , the ex worked there so never go in and i hate frozen bread too,even when its thawed![]()
But we live on bread and water.![]()
Saw the programme last night. Nothing new there. Again, I too would like to see some prosecutions.
You are quite right but at least by broadcasting it along with accompanying news reports it may open the eyes of thousands of mugs to the underhand and devious practices of the supermarkets.
I've seen them on BBC Watchdog before but I do laugh at Tesco's yellow "multibuy" stickers £1.50 each or 2 for £3. A Psychologist said people are attracted to the so many for so much bit and switch off to the individual price - Tesco have the front to repeatedly claim that these stickers are down to human error.
"Never give a sucker an even break"![]()
Oh come on guys everybody makes mistakes. Its only a sticker. Whats another few pounds on a shopping bill?.
They do makes some cracking mistakes in the buyers favour. Last year I bought a Blu Ray DVD for £3.00 that should have been £13.00 at Asda. When they priced a heap of them up they inadvertently put two prices on each set of Blu Rays. And of course they are (to a degree) obliged to sell at the lower price. So I got mine for £3.00.![]()
The UK isn't cheap or the rest of Europe expensive when you live in each country. Prices in the UK haven't gone down or prices in Europe gone up loads. The prices here have gone up a lot here, especially over the last 3 years, but instead of things going up a few pence like it used to, it's been 10, 15, 20 or even up to 40/50p on some things! It's just that the £ to the Euro rate dropped a lot 3 1/2 years ago and has never regained, so it's only when you travel to Europe, convert your cash and buy things that you'll get stung and get less value than you used to. Of course it will be the opposite for when anyone in mainland Europe comes here to buy as it will be better value once they have converted their cash than over there.
Why the £ has never risen to like the 1.3-1.4 Euro's to the £ like it used to be given how badly many countries in the Euro are doing such as Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland beats me!
The value of £ vs € isn't directly linked to the economic fortunes of UK vs EUzone. It is far more complex than this, but in simplistic terms, the value of Sterling started falling when bank base rates tumbled. As BoE BR fell, sterling became a less attractive investment to the institutions who buy billions of foreign currencies every day. As ECB BR is higher than ours, the Euro is still more attractive to foreign investors than Sterling.
Whilst a weak pound isn't good for us when we go on holiday, it is actually very good for British business' who export to the EU as the price of British goods are cheaper and therefore more competitive.
The only way the pound will regain it's losses against the Euro is for the BoE to increase the BBRNo thanks, I'm on a tracker mortgage.
On the plus side, the Tesco in Douglas is one of the biggest employers of Filipinas on the island.......
many years agoi did some work experience at CWS (co op wholesale) and i spent some time in a department working with a guy, who job it was to try and squeeze as much as he could on the shelves, and certain brands (ones who paid money ) went at eye level, and their own brand went just below these or just above, and the cheap brands at the bottom
they dosometimes thou.
That's a good one, but how can anyone eat 657 chocolate oranges![]()
Consider how much perishable and out of date stuff gets tipped out the back door every day though.![]()
Yeah! Some supermarkets have slightly damaged or nearly out of date things on a reduced shelf, but a lot just chuck it out. Seen it before when I've worked at supermarkets on Saturday and temp evening jobs. Seems especially bad when there's charities that feed the homeless etc. Sure things like meat, fish and dairy stuff could be dodgey to sell or give away, but there's plenty of things that would be ok. But worse than that is things like veggies and fruit that aren't the correct shape, so don't even get to the store and are dumped! I'm sure some people would buy them if they were at a cheaper price?!
The tidiest and most waste-free environment I ever saw was at the Carreras Rothmans cigarette factory in Basildon. (When I was a rep' of theirs).
Duty was charged on tobacco as it came out of the attached govt.bonded warehouse for processing.
Any waste tobacco that went back into the warehouse (even 'dust'), the duty was refunded.
At that time on 30p worth of tobaco leaf there was £5 duty.
Nuff said.![]()
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