Hi everyone, well Annie has introduced herself, so now it is my turn; I am Silver13's FiancéWe share everything
Even this Forum
This is the story of How Me and Anilyn met; well what can I sayProbably quite a lot
As Annie or Anilyn has said in a previous post at first I did not trust her, why do I say this? OK I will tell mine and Annie’s Story so far. It may give some guidance along the way as to how to approach a long distance love and fears you may have of being scammed or getting hurt emotionally if you have just met a Filipina, Fears of how she would cope living away from home and other emotional issues you both may have to face :-
I first met Annie on a web site. I was supposedly invited by a friend of mine called Craig, but when I joined he was no where to be seen so I phoned him and he denied all knowledge, Hmmmmmmmm I was tricked into joining the web site because they had a link between us. Anyway it was fun in there, I stupidly thought it cannot hurt to talk can it? Well I was wrong it did hurt and still does sometimes when I am away from Anilyn. Ok back to the story, I spoke to lots of people from around the world, some even in the UK, but most had an ulterior motive, of which there were basically 2 motives. The first was to gain points to win an Ipod at the end of the year in an auction, they had 1000's of friends in there so I just rejected people like that. I met other women from all over the world including the Philippines also in there, but it was obvious that most of the women where just scammers, all they wanted was a rich man :( If they asked me, to visit, I would say I cannot afford it just yet although I would like to visit in about a year or so when I save up, Mmmmmm They ran awayand stopped communicating. If the girl was worthy of having a lifetime relationship with me, she would consider waiting, wouldn't she? I could afford to travel but I thought it would be a test of commitment to me if they are interested. Then on 19th July 2005, I met Anilyn as sign in name April004 (her birth Month) on the web site
Some of you may now know her birthday
She introduced herself in a text message from that site saying "Hi Paul! Not sure also if U wanna accept friends from this part of the globe but this is a try. Just curious about that smile
Anyway i was caught by that gesture." I thought she sounds corny but very sweet so I accepted friendship
I did not trust her but something about her pulled me towards her. Everything we spoke about just seemed right, all her moral values where similar to mine and there was that thing we call a SPARK between us
Anyway I took caution to the wind and told Anilyn that I Think I Loved Her on 15th November 2005 just 4 months later
I still did not trust her fully though, I kept her waiting, before I travelled to see her in the Philippines near the end June 2006. All my friends where playing me up trying to scare me
saying I would be murdered by her family for money or something else really terrible, but I just said what have I got here? A well paid Job, Yeah! A House, Yeah! but no one who I love enough to fill my home with Love & Happiness, I just said well if that happens then at least I have tried and I Truly believe her now " I LOVE HER". I had sent Annie letters and cards through the post to both her work and home addresses to make sure she lived where she said she lived. OK Call me paranoid
but whether you are male or female it is best to check out who you are going to meet, I phoned her at work and on her mobile at different times of the day. I looked out for any inconsistencies in what she said about family and friends, there was non and I was convinced My BSC "My Beautiful Silver Cloud" as I call her was genuine
Oh By the way when I met Annie she did not have a photo in her profile, just like in here, she was / is shy
and because of that no one wanted to invite her as friends, how shallow people can be sometimes :( Well I got myself a Marikit Woman with a Marikit Na Puso (Beautiful Heart) so I am the lucky one
I said to Annie don't worry about a photo, in your own time and eventually I saw My BSC :-) Mmmmmm So Marikit
Anyway In the Philippines I got down on one knee and proposed to Anilyn in Ortigas Park in Manila, The silly girl said yes
Maybe she did not know me enough
Ok I only joke I am a nice guy
Ok More of the story, Annie visited me here in the UK for just over 5 months, we travelled many places, Scotland, Birmingham City Centre, London, Wales, Stratford etc and on the 15th this month she went back to the Philippines :( to make a Fiancée Visa Application
She will be back in about 2-3 months all going well and we talk on web cam daily when time and location allows
What should you do if you meet a Filipina? Read all you can about the Philippines and the culture, travel there if you can, learn how to cope with TampoPhilippine women do this quietness thing so well
Mmmmmm I still Love You Annie even with Tampo, but I can be good at that too
Sorry Annie we do tampo less often now
Tampo I guess is a form of silent argument, you have done wrong and I will not talk to you for a while then it all flies away if you realise what you have done and make amends! It is clear as mud so a good intuition is needed. I have not got Annie past Tampo yet, Thanks God Wow that would be scary if a Filipina should actually start shouting and become Angry
You have met the perfect girl? Maybe like me you will be worried about her emotions? Although it only took me 4 Months to realise I had feelings for her that where uncontrollable, I had gone past the point of no return, I loved Anilyn but I was scared, without Her I would miss her and it hurt for her to be so far away, it hurts now, but I will cope because I know she will be returning to meBut I still worry that in leaving the Philippines she will miss her family, her friends and of course the Philippines :( Ok I know that we should be able to visit once a year and stay for about a month, but it will be Annie and her family who will be hurting. Annie says that she has spent many times away from family so she will cope! her family live in Pangasinan, she lives in Manila so trips back home are limited already. Philipino's are resilient and I guess that as long as I can provide lots of communication between her and her family Annie will manage to cope with the separation from her family. A computer helps with a web cam and internet connection, maybe this will have to be paid for by yourself if you are to marry as it is very expensive on Philippine wages. Your Filipina will need your Emotional support & sometimes your financial support too.
Read everything you can about making Visa Application, put in a lot of effort to this or you may be wasting your time, search this forum for guidance on how to make an application. Almost all of Anilyn’s Hand luggage back home to the Philippines was paperwork for the Fiancée Visa Application!!!!!! We provided every e-mail on CD 1000’s of pages and prints from around 120 pages 240 sides of paper and Every Photo of us together on CD as well as Hard Copies of about 200 photos with more on the CD, we provided a DVD of our holidays, maybe it sounds excessive and legally the British Embassy cannot ask for such a degree of private / personal information, but if You Love & Want Your Filipina to be living with you here in England, then that is what you will need to do. Basically put as much proof together of your relationship as is humanly possible, and hopefully everything will go well
This forum has been a great help in filling in some missing pieces for what we need to do in making a Fiancée Visa Application, Maraming Maraming Salamat Everyone, Thank You All Very Much
My Final advice is Be careful but don't let mistrust spoil a relationship, I am totally honest with Anilyn, just make sure your girl is genuine and lives where she says etc
To all the men with Filipina Women in here, I am sure with a Filipina you will all be very happy and no disrespect for UK women but I find the Filipina attitude towards life and love totally refreshing that is why I love Anilyn so much. Marriage is hopefully for life for a Filipina and for me that is how I feel. Life has difficult times especially when married for a long time, but marriage needs working on, so for me a Filipina can be the only choice now, I never had much luck with English women anyway with 1 year being about my longest relationship, but AnnieWell she stays the distance
I'm just glad she managed to get past her shyness on the day she joined the web site at her friends request
Just curious are there any English women in here who have fell in love with a Pinoy Man?
Oh My job is an Architectural Technologist and I Live In South of Birmingham
Regards to You All. Hope my long text helps! anyone asleep yet ? zzzzzzzzz
Ingat Everyone and I Love You Anilyn
Paul (Silvers_Bahaghari)