My son ( 22 ) has never smoked in front of me.
Some interesting responses here, thank you. Although mostly about smoking, I note that one member ( RickyR ) has lost 7 kg of weight out of his target of 20 kg recently
Most of you know I'm not a GP, my skills ( such as they are ) being in diagnosis and teaching about illnesses, rather than prevention. Actually influencing people - even family and friends - to improve their health is a challenge ! On the one hand it's worthwhile summarising - to the best of my ability - the lengthy recent articles in British Journal of Cancer. On the other hand, too much information turns people off !
The problem of unhealthy lifestyle is not only costly to the individual but also to the health service, however funded. The consensus response to these articles does seem to be that not enough is being done by the UK government to promote healthy behaviour - " legislative solutions " are talked about, and the government " said it was intending to begin a consultation on plain packaging " ( of cigarettes ) by the end of the year.
It would be interesting to have the Philippines perspective on this. Screening and prevention, including vaccination for hepatitis B and human papilloma virus, don't come cheap.
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