It's nowt in the greater scheme of things, let's be honest.

Most Brits have probably got at least twice the total amount it costs to bring a lady here owing on their credit cards, and you're a long time dead.

A friend of mine went to the Phils back in 1990, and after staying there 6 months had already blown £21,000. ...BEFORE he met his Mrs.

You could have bought a terrace house up North for that in those days.

In real terms airfares are much lower now than say 20 years ago. My first trip to the Phils (1990) cost £700 for the KLM flight, and over £2,000 in all for the 3 week holiday.

During the next 12 months I spent approx. £13,000 on the several trips I made out there before finally bringing the ex back here.

I wouldn't like to think how much I've spent to-ing and fro-ing since.