Interesting write up in The Daily Telegraph
Europe's blithering idiots and their flim-flam treaty
Interesting write up in The Daily Telegraph
Europe's blithering idiots and their flim-flam treaty
did they call Cameron's bluff
but ato cameron, who knows how this will end
well, wot can i say ? at least hes had the nerve to please some of his sceptics " euro ones of course" and maintain his job a bit longerbut hes still full of bulls..t.
Now lets have that referendumfor the good of our country..
You tell em Cameron !!!
At last someone with some balls !
As for that idiot Millipratt, and his usual wet response...![]()
What can Labour say anyway ?
They got us into the damned mess in the first place....or were they both blind and stupid for the whole 13 years ?![]()
A pair of spineless slugs those two, never forget it was Blair and Bottler who broke their promise of a referendum.
Just for motivational purposes there's a sound clip here of Maggie telling some tree hugging, sandal wearing old crone why we sent the SS Belgrano to Davy Jones Locker
guess he will come home to a HEROS welcome next week to have a yarn with the 1922 back bench committee... but just be reminded sunshine... weve got soldiers out in iraq n afghan with no proper gear to protect themselves.. ur still a soggy thatcherite.
They shouldn't have been sent there (Afghanistan) in the first place...or Iraq.
I wonder who was responsible for that.![]()
And who sent our troops to the Falklands? Cameron is in a no win situation now.
That was very different.
OUR territory was invaded and 1800 Britons taken prisoner.![]()
Well now Cameron has said no I hope he carries on and continues to say no to all the other nonsense coming from Europe.
As for being bad Europeans, it wasn`t so long ago during the BSE crisis that all of Europe closed their doors to our dairy products and the French in particular took years to re open their markets to us.
Going further back the Belgiums refused to sell us amunition during our hour of need whilst a few of our other partners sat on the fence, could be a re run of the Argentine conflict soon for us to find out who our friends are.
I agree.
The sooner we break the chains with this bunch of either basket-case countries or those that just plain despise us, the better.![]()
Yes I agree stuff em
Not for one minute do I believe we need to be worried by them,We are a resourceful enough nation and of course saving their ungrateful asses out of world wars seems a distant memory for many now.
What we actually should have done is a private deal with Germany and .......s to the rest of Europe,Uk and Germany combined would have been so strong.
We just need to rent a few more Pandas from China, open a few more call-centres in India, buddy up with the United States again, and former colonies like Canada and Australia.
The rest of Europe can go and take a run and jump, and all the EU migrant workers and benefit cheats return home to their world of horse-drawn ploughs and Premier League of corrupt politicians.![]()
i would like us to start producing good quality cars, steal back our range rover technology, learn how to produce reliable cars on a par with toyota and start buying uk manufactured good. Then take another look at our fishing industry.
I agree.
There is nothing manufactured in the rest of the world that we can't make for (and buy) ourselves, especially since we invented most of the technology in the first place.![]()
I remember a forum member saying a while back...I think it was one of Apo's tribesmen...'to get a balanced view you have to read all the papers'
Well, if you'd read yesterdays Mirror and today's Mail you would of thought the story wasn't connected, such as there difference of opinion.
I'll do what I always do, trust the Mail. They've yet to fail me...great news, great value
I only buy newspapers in the Phils...mainly for their amusement value.
Even my free paper here that pops through my letterbox every Thursday is used solely for catching the drips from my health grill.![]()
Whatever his critics say about Cameron's premiership, he HAS to be admired for proving he's got the guts to ignore the terms of the pact between the leaders of France & Germany ... two of Europe's Superpowers - both geographically larger in area than the UK - and thereby concentrate on the electorate he represents. Love him or loathe him ...... in disregarding the wishes of Sarkozy and Merkel, he's proved himself to have had the courage of his convictions to stand up and be accountable for what he firmly BELIEVES to be RIGHT for
and its economic future as an independent nation.
I believe he was in a catch 22 situation Arthur, if he had voted for the treaty change there was a pretty good chance that it would have triggered the calling of a referendum here in the UK . That would most likely to have led to a no to Europe vote and a lot of MPs losing their gravy train, plus uncertain times for us.
Using the veto was I think his only option.
Interesting times ahead though![]()
Hmm ... possibly, Pete. Personally, though, I feel he'd have come under fire from the Opposition WHICHEVER way he voted. Let's say he HAD gone along with the proposals... doubtless it would've given Labour the opportunity to THEN accuse him of being a "weak" Prime Minister ... too "spineless" to act in his country's best interests. At least now, he's shown himself to be anything but !
Im with you Arthur....he did what was right for our country....nothing to do with catches and saving face...he stood, he was counted...he's the man!
Certainly political gain came into it, but national pride needed saving too, especially after the 'Cod Wars' humiliation, and we were obliged to protect the Falklanders.
Anyway, I'm glad we went down there and kicked ..... (It also revealed a lot of weaknesses in our armed forces and their equipment.)
i just missed Nigel Farage on the Andrew Marr show, also on Hague and clegg, clegg saying it was a mistake that cameron didnt sign, sounds like there could bea few problems there
should be on Iplayer later, i'll watch it then
Clegg will pipe down.
He wants to continue his 5 minutes of fame.![]()
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