Thanks for the info Fred
I have travelled to Phil a few times over the years but still learning about the people and culture. I have had a week or so in Bohol and really enjoyed it.
The condo idea is the lower risk option as talking to people over here if its new build and the builder is reputable then normally ownership is fine. Of course rental ROI is maybe not so good 7% ? and I understand selling costs are high (20%?) so could not bank on capital appreciation. I am also a bit concerned at how long the condo's will last, some of them look a little grotty after 4 years. As for the business...nothing ventured nothing gained, I am certainly not going to risk a big investment but would be fun to try something small, I am prepared for it to fail but would like to give it its best chance to succeed so would be good to talk to someone with some first hand experience.
MY GF family live near Sucat...I think its the pollution and lack of pavements that I find toughest out here