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Thing is myself and my dad examined the lens very carefully and found no faults with it at all. My dad has used this lens alot and displayed pictures in art exibition that used this particular lens. If there was anything wrong I'd have listed it in the decription. I'm very honest on ebay as I've been done before when buying stuff myself and found it to be "not as decribed" when I receive it. The problem here is, is this guy has has it for nearly 3 weeks and this is the first time he's contacted me about it since saying on the feedback and a email afterwards that he was happy with it and it was AS DESCRIBED.
I'm thinking of ignoring it for a few days and see what he does as I honestly believe either he has buyer remorse or it is infact him that has damaged the lens. Alot can happen in 2-3 weeks after all. I would never knowingly sell any faulty / damaged goods due to some of my past experiences.