Stewart, I'm sorry if I've been a bit insensitive, posting my thread...It just coincided with the dates.
I really hope things pick up for you.![]()
Hi Stewart
It takes a lot of courage to face up to a failing relationship and especially sharing it publically. Well done you, I'm glad that you put an end to any further heartache this awful woman may have caused you in the future. Cheats and liars never prosper in the end and I am so glad that you found out before it was too late.
Sending you a big hug, take care and best of luck for your future happiness
thank you Rosie , i could have looked passed the cheating on the grounds we had never met and it being over 2 years, but the deceit and the kind of lying she did was calculated and cruel, that i cant look past,
there is no place in a relationship for lies, trust and honesty are very important, it hurts to finish, but i know im saving myself from further heartache, and to be honest though i hurt now its easier than it has been knowing something wasnt right all this time, il get through it and il be fine, iv got my sense of humour and laugh so im half way there
thanks again rosie for you kind words![]()
Sorry to hear, but it gives closure now,time to move on, most of us its happened to, reading through this forum from time to time there seems to be some nice Filipino girls looking for a descent honest man, maybe once you feel looking again start chatting to them, anyway have a great Xmas with your family and a better New Year Imagine.
than you baby, wish you happy xmas and new year too![]()
Sorry to hear what happened Stuart, but like you say at least you know now, so won't keep wondering, worrying and going over things in your mind trying to work out what's going on. Like others say, you can make a fresh start now with a clearer mind knowing that all that hassle is out of the way. I know what it's like to be lied to and when you find out, it makes you wonder what else you were lied to about and you have no idea what was the truth and what was a lie. Also makes you wonder how much you really did know them. That's not the kind of a relationship that anyone wants and you feel so much different when you have someone that you can trust and know that hey are truthful.
I hope that you have a great Christmas and a much better coming year. Good luck!![]()
I would echo Rosies words mate well done for sharing a rather hard to share experience and I truly hope your xmas is as good as possible!
All the best mate,
thank you south east boy,
thank you also tone,
so sorry to hear your sad story mate.
Stewart, my friend, you've been through so much in the last couple of years... first, your very real health scares - on top of which, your emotions have taken one hell of a bashing
due to the "roller coaster" trip they've had to endure as a result of Brenda's irrational behaviour. Enough to drive ANYONE nuts !!
Yet - in spite of it all - you have consistently managed to retain your marvellous sense of humour that is truly an inspiration to everyone here on this forum.
God Bless you and your loved ones in 2012.![]()
Moreover, if anyone deserves recognition for 'COURAGE in the face of adversity' ... YOU most certainly do !![]()
thank you Arthur,
truth is, even now the experience buzzes in my stomache adrenalin, my head still wont stop whirling with thoughts of it all, and its darn hard to sleep lol.
i try keep my mind occupied on other things as much as possible during the day,
i can laugh and joke and i know with my sense of humour il get through this,
after all i got the best friends and support team here in this forum,thank you all for that
2012 a new year a new start, god bless and best wishes to you and yours for 2012
theres a welcome on my doorstep anytime you pass this way
and i extend that to all my friends on the forum![]()
Thanks Stewart.
When I become homeless I'll pop up.
If you get your skates on maybe we can meet up in the Phils when you're out there soon, chasing ladies.![]()
No probs Stewart, wouldn't want you having to rummage for small change when a 20 will do.![]()
Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...
thank you simpleHeart![]()
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