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Thread: "Any advice after my giving birth"

  1. #1
    Respected Member elve_page's Avatar
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    "Any advice after my giving birth"

    Hello everyone i am Elve Page, married here in Philippines to a british citizen and 8 months pregnant right now for our first baby soon. And were planning to apply my spouse visa and take the English exam hopefully after giving birth.

    I just want to know if after i give birth by on February 2011,

    1. Do we need to go to british embassy to register our new born baby for birth certificate?
    2. Do we need to get for the baby's british passport?
    3. How old is the baby can travel with us to my husband place?
    4. Is the baby included to the spouse visa im going to apply soon?

    I hope everything will answer, actually we're suppose to apply visa after our Phils. wedding last May, 2011 and i already passed the english exam last april, 2011 but i got pregnant after the wedding so we decided to postponed and wait after giving birth.


  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    1. Do we need to go to british embassy to register our new born baby for birth certificate?

    It is up to you if you want to register, it is not a requirement but if you do you get a British style birth certificate.

    2. Do we need to get for the baby's british passport?

    Yes you can apply for british passport, then you will not require to get a visa for the baby

    3. How old is the baby can travel with us to my husband place?

    Its best to check with the airline you may be flying with, Emirates state not in the first seven days.

    4. Is the baby included to the spouse visa im going to apply soon?

    You will need to mention the baby in the application form but if you apply for a british passport then the baby will not need a seperate visa application.

    Good luck with your upcomming arrival and visa application

  3. #3
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    Definitely have your baby recognised as a British Citizen as soon as possible, and get the child his/her own separate passport, then no visa issues, and the baby can always travel with EITHER parent to UK without restriction or any kind of visa.

    My boy had his own passport when 2 months old, and first trip to the Phils when 3 months old (born in UK).

    Coming back to England aged 7 months, after his 4 month holiday in the province:


    His baby stroller (pushchair) caused quite a bit of interest there, as never been seen before.

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    congratulations on your soon to arrive little bundle of joy

  5. #5
    Respected Member elve_page's Avatar
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    Thank you so much guys, my husband want to know if how long to process our baby's british passport if were going to apply?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by elve_page View Post
    Thank you so much guys, my husband want to know if how long to process our baby's british passport if were going to apply?
    Hi Elve, it takes 4-6 weeks to process the babys passport. The British Passport of our baby took 4 weeks..Goodluck and Congratulations to coming little angel.

  7. #7
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    As has been mentioned above, once you have your NSO Birth Certificate for your baby, head to the British Embassy in McKinley Hil, register the british birth and apply for the passport at the same time. The photos need to be countersigned, and athough the instructions say by a British Citizen, they will accept the filipino oby-gyny who deivered the baby.
    We did the birth registration and passport application in a day, but you do need to make an appointment at the Embassy beforehand. All of the information is downloadable from the embassy website.

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