I bawled out a Roma Big Issue seller woman outside Weybridge Waitrose the other day, telling her in a very loud voice that she was a benefit cheat and had a big house in Romania. She hated it as she knew I was putting off her potential sucker customers - she was tsk tsking and waving her hands away at me, probably putting me under a curse. Later she went and bought a Subway and Coffee with some of her ill gotten gains.

When she returned to her prime pitch a mug with more money than sense came up and made a big fuss of giving her a bag of clothing, she then tapped him up for some money. I shamed him by yelling across the High St in full hearing of untold people that he was a mug, she was from a criminal gang and he was paying for her big house in Romania. I repeated my tirade for a second time to ensure all heard it - the fool looked over at me, held out his arms and shrugged his shoulders. There's one born every minute.