I am going through dating sites at the moment , never gave them a thought before splitting up from my long term partner and getting increasingly angry the more I find out about them . My anger is because I imagine there are probably a high number of people being scammed by them and that is not just the Nigerian and east European scammers its also in many cases the site operators . I dont mind the members who are scammers , I think they are easy to identify but I feel sorry for vulnerable people who believe they have met a potential partner . I joined some of the sites that came up on google , so far none of them have persuaded me to pay a subscription but what annoys me is the methods they employ to try and get your credit card details , at least five of the major dating sites I would accuse of generating fraudulent emails from good looking young ladies who allegedly are desperate to meet me and also duplicating my profile on other sites I did not sign up for . The site then invites me to pay up to read or respond to the emails or exchange details etc . The site operators are using software to automatically locate my ip address and then automatically generating an email and photo selected from a model portfolio with a fake name and a real location which is enticingly nearby but in reality I know there are not even ten able bodied residents of some of the places never mind the ten a day nymphomaniacs supposedly wanting to get in touch . So far I have found two sites with no charges that are not fraudulent : connectingsingles.com and loveawake and of course this forum makes three . Can anyone add any further sites which are genuine , I want to meet someone new but I dont want to help the profits at naughtypartners.com etc who I did not join in the first place .