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Thread: Sponsorship Letters

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Sponsorship Letters

    Hi Guys,

    I am new to this forum, My fiance will be applying for her visa in a few weeks time, we seem to have all the relevant paperwork but I need some advice on how to write a sponsorship letter. Do you guys have any pointers as to what to include, what not to include, any example letters I can use or refer to?

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    I'd be interested in some tips as well, eeek we apply this February!

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Scuba888 - An underwater poker player
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  4. #4
    Respected Member Louella's Avatar
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    Hello scuba888 & Philip,
    Basing in my husband's sponsorship letter which i sent together w/ the rest of the documents needed for my visa application, it's just a simple letter stating how our relationship started, the happenings during his visits in Philippines, our ways of communication to each other & telling the embassy how he loves me & willing to support & take good care of me for the rest of his life... that's quite simple guys. I hope this tip could help you both! Goodluck!


  5. #5
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louella View Post
    Hello scuba888 & Philip,
    stating how our relationship started,
    the happenings during his visits in Philippines,
    our ways of communication to each other
    & telling the embassy how he loves me &
    willing to support &
    take good care of me for the rest of his life... that's quite simple guys. I hope this tip could help you both! Goodluck!


    More to add:

    your job
    where ur living atm
    where she will be staying
    future plans
    wedding plans (where/when)
    (overall guide of your relationship:

    Write an informative letter telling that you want your partner to join you to be in the UK with main details requesting that she'll be with you, then make a cover letter that basically tells them how you met fell in love the ways you kept in contact places youve been together etc.. basicly your love story.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    All of the subjects and also your chance to answer any questions or satisfy any doubts the eco might have with the application.
    i wrote a couple of pages as a genral cover letter, with an extra two pages on our finances and made a little brochure which showed our flat all the measurments. To prove along with deeds the accomdation satisfactory.

    Its your chance to avoid an interview or a denial.

    This letter if you are like me will take a few weeks to create, edit and fully proof read.

  7. #7
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    thanks very much for your help guys..........i get cracking right now

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Scuba888 - An underwater poker player
    you are spot on..........

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    If you play poker, we have weekly tournaments at my other site. Should start again this Sunday. On the forum.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    888, hmm hope its brings you more luck than lucky number 7!, the house number i live at ..

  11. #11
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    hi fiance (now my wife) recently came here to ireland on a fiancee visa. if you wish i could send you a copy of our sponsorship letter if it would give you head start...i know how hard it seems but really if you follow the advice of the guys on the forum you'll be fine..good luck
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  12. #12
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    thats very kind of you IrelandKen...........i send u a pm

  13. #13
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Will u send one for me too, Mr Irelandken? We can use that as a basis when we write ours. THanks.

  14. #14
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    no problem...just let me know ur e-mail address
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  15. #15
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    hi Irelandken!!
    i am new on this site so i dont really know how it works. i read your msg that you would give a help on the sponsorship letter by sending a copy of your. i would like to ask if you could kindly send one to me too. i am a bit desperate with that. its the only thing missing to apply for my visa. tks a lot!

  16. #16
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Lightbulb hope this help

    Dear Sir/Madam/Miss,

    This letter is in support of my wifes/fiancee's application for a entry clearance visa for the purposes of settlement/marriage in the Untied Kingdom.

    Whilst considering her application I would like you to be aware of the following:

    1. The Circumstances in which we met
    2. My financial position.
    3. The Accomodation arrangements available to my wife/financee.
    4. An overview of our relationship.

    The Circumstances in which we met.

    I met my fiancee/wife through...........................and on the ...........we decided to meet in ..............of..............we decided to get marrired/engaged and I proposed....on............

    We got married/engaged on..........................

    I returned to the Philippines on............and we spent .....week together.....

    My Financial Circumstancces

    I am presently employed by....self employed as....and represent..or work for.....................................................
    I am paid a salary of...or earn for the year .....

    I am quite capable of supporting my fiancee/wife and have been supporting her regularly in the Philippines by regular Western Union transfers.....International Money orders....transfers to her bank acocunt etc etc etc...therefore I am quite able to support my fiancee/wife in the United Kingdom should entry clearance be granted.

    Our Accomodation arrangments.

    I own a ......(rooms number of) and occupy this property exclusively...I rent xxxx and have a rental assured shorthold tenancy agreement for ....months.

    An Overview of this relationship with my fiancee/wife.

    ......and I have been together for .......years/months.... and have developed a close and personal loving relationship, it is our intention to live together in the United Kingdom with a view to marriage within 3 months....or as married we inted to live together in marriage for rest of our lives.

    I would do anything for ....and I to be together and would leave the Untied Kingdom to live with her in the Philippines if entry clearance was not succesful, however I am settled inthe UK...have a long term career/business and it would cause financial hardship should I have t leave.

    I trust from the facts placed before you...that you will look favourable on the application for my fiancee/wife.

    Yours sincerely......

    A letter of this type is said to increase the chances of entry clearance being granted...also offering to be interviewed if reaquired during the settlement interview is a good sign..even if you are not asked to do so.
    Filipina a born survivor!

  17. #17
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    just want to say thanks to all you guys...........upon taking on some of your advice, my fiancees application was successful she gave me the good news yesterday........
    she submitted her application on the 18th Feb and issued with the entry visa on thursday without an interview......whole process took just over 4 weeks......yipeee, happy days ...................
    finally just want to clarify one more thing, i've been reading some of the other threads but it seems to be a grey area but when does the 6 months start? Is it date of issue or date of entry within the uk?

  18. #18
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    hi scuba888,

    6 months start on the date of issue...congrats!

  19. #19
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scuba888 View Post
    just want to say thanks to all you guys...........upon taking on some of your advice, my fiancees application was successful she gave me the good news yesterday........
    she submitted her application on the 18th Feb and issued with the entry visa on thursday without an interview......whole process took just over 4 weeks......yipeee, happy days ...................
    Wow i submitted mine Feb 19 and got it March 23 exactly 31 days congratulations!
    tiger tigress

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  20. #20
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scuba888 View Post
    just want to say thanks to all you guys...........upon taking on some of your advice, my fiancees application was successful she gave me the good news yesterday........
    she submitted her application on the 18th Feb and issued with the entry visa on thursday without an interview......whole process took just over 4 weeks......yipeee, happy days ...................
    Wow we submitted mine Feb 19 and got it March 23 exactly 31 days congratulations!
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  21. #21
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Congratulations to u and ur fiancee, scuba888
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  22. #22
    Member STU3UK's Avatar
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    Im in the process of working on our application and each "Section" of the application has a cover letter explaining all of the details and evidences provided etc.

    By doing this I will be repeating some of the information that is in the Sponsorship Letter, is this ok?

    Genrally in the sponsorship letter is it ok to cross reference to other sections of the application where the relevant evidence is located?


  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    a cover letter and a sponsor letter !!?

    i've only ever used one letter, a sponsor letter, which i've always done the same,

    dear sir/madam

    this is a letter of support for xxxxx my wife etc, who is currently applying for xxxx visa, I'm pleased to be the principal sponsor, while my dog will co-sponsor the application. In this letter i hope to cover the main points required to obtain the xxx visa for her/him.

    paragraphs headed

    circumstances of meeting -
    i have known my wife for .. blah blah.., married for ... blah. please see evidence of this and that....

    financial position -
    iam employed in a secure job get paid xxx, find attached pay slips, p60, letter from employer, contract, dna sample
    i have substantial savings, see bank statements etc...
    our budget is ... elec, gas, water, rent,,
    iam studying for a OU degree to further increase my wage., more blah's

    i have also included my wife's job details,( as above) when she applied for FLR and ILR as she was working here in uk,

    our accommodation in the uk-
    our accommodation is a large xxx, that we own/rent/live with, ( co-sonsors letter of support if needed), land reg docs and certified copy of deeds etc,
    accommodation is large enough for us all,. blah. blah..

    our relationship at present-

    been married for x years, strong and serious commitment, blah, blah
    having already sponsored my wife for settlement/flr etc. i am familiar with role and obligations of visa sponsorship and of home office expectations in this undertaking, and its realistic that my wife would never need recourse to funds funds, and if we ever faced major financial difficulties my mother/family/ cat or dog would provide assistance so no recourse to public funds would ever be neccessary.. blah, blah

    I hope the facts and evidence provided enables you to grant xxxxx with a xxx visa.

    thank you for your consideration

    your faithfully

    joe bloggs

  24. #24
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    are mortgage deeds required ???

    i have supplied upto date mortgage statements and description of property + photos

    i fly friday so to need know fast


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