Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
Your "friend" is the reason friends of mine have had to jump through hoops like trick-ponies backwards and forwards,your "friend" is the reason a mate of mine was driven almost to the point of breakdown,your "friend" is part of the reason this country is in the state its in,she came and like the rest slipped into the crowds and vanished,she is no different from any ethnicity who do the same,I am not going to say its ok because I liked sitting on the white sands of Boracay and someone smiled at me in Cebu once,thats means Zip,if I overstay in Pinas I will be fined or whatever,no get out of jail free card,likewise in this country your "friend" should feel the full weight of our impotent laws,irrespective of her illness she took full advantage of this country and is still doing so,disgusting.(Thats my once annual rant over).
Well said, she should be deported ASAP.It use to cost me a fortune for visa extentions in rp and 1 time i didnt get extention on time due to curcumstances at the time i had to pay through the nose to get exit clearance..