Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
Not wanting to drag in the "Mail reader" insult which can infest certain forums, but really, that has to surely be one of the last papers anyone should rely on for an objective report on safety anywhere.

I'm afraid one of the selling points the Mail uses, is sensationalising a "threat".
Be it super volcanos, global warming, superbugs, asteroids, 2012, teenage mutant ninja turtles or whatever their flavour of the day may be for what might cause the end of civilisation - the Mail excels.

Even though the FCO sometimes seems random in which areas it recommends to avoid.
Just over a year ago, there were political protests in Bangkok. The FCO and a few other countries advised their citizens against travel to Thailand. This even covered untouched areas like Phuket.

Anything is a risk, even a visit to Tesco
The Mail is the last paper I would read for anything, it isn't even fit for loo roll - I prefer something a bit softer All of the tabloids sensationalize every news item and terrify middle England into thinking there is an imminent threat of death and destruction for suburban Britain. My first experience of Tabloids was back in '77 when Punk came out of the underground and hit the front pages. It was the end of the world, these snarling, gobbing spiky haired yobs were going to tear Britain apart and bring down the Government and Monarchy What a load of bo11ox...it was just the same when Eminem broke...and it will be just the same when the next real global anti establishment icon makes it. Whoever it is, my kids will be encouraged to listen to them, dress like them ...etc, it's all part of growing up and doesn't mean they are going to turn into hooligans who spend most of their lives in prison