We havent found clothes buying easy for my wife in the UK...........
It sounds like you will take a
UK 6 or 8. But as you may know, one shop's size 8 is another shop's size 6, kind of thing....so it is hard to be certain.
My wife is 4ft 11" tall. She had a 25" waste but has put some weight on since arriving here 2.5 months ago. She has to buy some clothes from the kids sections and gets some from the adult section, depending on the shop. She most definitely doesnt like many of the kids ranges. We have found out that Miss Selfridge have a "petite" range and are online also and they do both 6 and size 8 and she fits into their clothes okay. We bought her pyjamas from M and S in the kids range.......to fit a 13 year old, I seem to recall

Managed to get a set without Justin Beiber on.....
Seems daft but true.....they fit her quite well.
I have a feel for this kind of thing as my previous gf, who was scottish, was skinny and took a size 6 in jeans but could never get jeans that were long enough as she was 5ft 6".....the opposite problem to my wifes.