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Thread: hello to every one

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hello to every one

    Hello there!

    phew at last managed to register myself here!

    I need some help, if someone knows about my query please do help.

    I moved here in Uk 2009 as spouse visa, ex and i are divorced now and i just renew my visa recently for child access visa.

    I was thinking to take my lil one (27months old) back home (MANILA) and leave him there until he start going to school. my ex and i stopped talking for 10 months now and he is not also interested to see his baby. and last news i heard about him is he is moving in Sydney, Do i need a letter of consent that he let me take my lil one in manila even we dont know where he is? and he is not bothered with that child?

    Hope someone can help me.


  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Hi, and welcome to the forum.

    Where was your child born, and what passport does he hold ?

    It would make it very much easier for your child if you got him his own British passport before he travels anywhere.

    The child's natural father still has rights as well as responsibilities for the child, and I think you should make an effort to find him and inform him of your intentions (unless he has previously been abusive or violent towards you or your child).

    After all, although we have no reason to doubt your story, it IS your side of it only.

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    hi missymummy, welcome to the forum, and a merry christmas to you,

    your in the right place for good advice

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Dec 2011
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    hello guys,

    Thanks for getting back to me. i got lose finding my post... still new and i dont know how to see response...

    My son is born here in england and holding british passport... with regards with my ex husband. I've emailed him numerous time and i didnt get any reply from him. however i still tried and the last thing i know that he is moving to Austrilia end of this month.

    also i just got my visa application today from home office and unfortunately my application has been refused. i dont have the supporting letter from my ex husband with regards to his contact. also ukba said that my child is only 2 years old and can still live in philippines... can anyone please advice what should i do? im totally stressed at the momment and lose i dont know where to start...

    hope can hear from you guys soon.


    missymummy xx

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