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Thread: Bent rail executive and wife committed suicide

  1. #1
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    Bent rail executive and wife committed suicide

    A Network Rail boss committed suicide with his wife after taking luxury bribes from two corrupt company executives, it can now be reported.

    Anthony Burgess, 45, was showered with tens of thousands of pounds in cash, along with Porsche car parts and five star holidays in return for deals with rail contractors Peter Sale and Anthony Whittington.

    The rail manager and his wife Marian, 51, took their own lives after NR alerted police to the scam.

    Mr Burgess was sacked from his £75,000-a-year job overseeing the refurbishment of company offices several months earlier following an internal inquiry.

    Sale, 50, of Tadworth, Surrey, and Whittington, 48, of Abridge, Essex, both separately masterminded years of corruption with Mr Burgess.

    Their convictions earlier this year can now be reported after prosecutors confirmed restrictions had been lifted following the acquittals of three other defendants cleared of corruption.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    Well, they won't do it again.

    Taking your life is not very many alternatives.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
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    Advantage to the taxpayer legal and prison cost savings although poor old rail travellers know one of the factors behind obscene ticket price increases

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