Unlike flu ( http://filipinaroses.com/showthread....06-Flu-jablike ) the common cold is usually not serious, although an adult can expect 2-3 / year ( at least 15,000 for all members ), and children about 5 / year. We should already know the symptoms of both.
As there are well over 200 different viruses which can cause it, there's no vaccine, no prevention, and no cure - antibiotics don't work. A " universal " 'flu vaccine - one which destroys the virus no matter what type - is possible in the next few years, but for colds there's no such hope.
Of course - as one member has pointed out - it's a " sad Xmas " if you have a cold now, but far worse can happen - think of the ongoing disaster in Mindanao...
Colds spread by close proximity to others - either tiny " droplets " or direct / indirect contact ( touching people or objects ) - hard to avoid this time of year. Try to keep hands clean + use disposable paper towels / tissues.
There's no reason to see a doctor with the vast majority of colds. By now you should also have had a 'flu jab if indicated.
Drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids. Rest if possible until you feel better. Eat healthily, then there is no need for vitamin / zinc supplements ( use as general " pick-me-ups is of unproven value ). Avoid active and passive smoking.
Steam inhalations ( a bowl of hot water or taking a warm bath ), gargling with salt water, decongestants and vapour rubs may help. " Over The Counter " ( OTC ) medicines can be very expensive because they're often combinations of remedies. Best to buy individual painkillers like paracetamol, or ibuprofen ( not if pregnant, or if you have a stomach ulcer ).
Try to lower your chances of getting a cold by a positive attitude, avoiding stress, and counting your blessings - others may well be worse off than you - Merry Christmas