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Thread: christmas morning

  1. #1
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    christmas morning

    good day to everyone,
    how did your morning start?

    well mine, started at 530am
    2 little excited girls,daddy presents, to see there excitement is great,
    some of these toys they get you need a engineering degree just to build them
    so yes ive been building disney princess kitchens and trollys, all morning,

    its on days like today that makes me think of others less fortunate,ppl who dont get to open just one present,

    its nice to give gifts but for me the true meaning of christmas has been long forgotten in this country

    i hope every one has a good day with family good food and good cheer,

    all the best

  2. #2
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    The true meaning of christmas

    Teach the children.

    I was locking the house for the night, when I heard a noise from the front of the house, I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, Santa himself stepped out from behind the Christmas tree, he placed his finger over his mouth, Shhhhhhhhh.
    What are you doing?!! I started to ask.
    The words choked in my throat, as I observed he had tears in his eyes. His usual jovial manner had disappeared, and gone was the eager boisterous character we all know; he then answered in a simple statement, teach the children.

    I was puzzled, what did he mean? He guessed my question, and with one swift movement, he pulled a miniature toy bag from behind the tree, as I stood puzzled? He said teach the children! Teach the old meaning of Christmas, the meaning that ‘now-a-days Christmas’ has forgotten.

    Santa then reached into his bag, and pulled out a fir tree and put it in front of the fireplace.

    Teach the children that the pure green colour of the stately tree remains green all year round, representing the everlasting hope of all mankind, all the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of mans thoughts turning toward heaven,

    He then reached into his bag again, and pulled out a brilliant star.

    Teach the children that the star was a heavenly sign of promises long ago, god promised a saviour for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of his promise,

    He again reached inside his bag and pulled out a candle,

    Teach the children, that the candle symbolises that Christ is the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of Jesus, who fills our lives with light,

    Once again he reached into his bag and pulled out a wreath, placing it on the tree.

    Teach the children, that the wreath symbolises the real nature of love, real love never ceases, like god’s love, no beginning or end.

    He then pulled out an ornament of himself.

    Teach the children that I, Santa Clause, symbolise the generosity and kindness we all feel in the month December.

    Once again he reached into his bag and pulled out a holly leaf.

    Teach the children, that the holly plant represents immortality, it represents the crown of thorns worn by our saviour, the red holly represents his blood, shed by him,

    Next he pulled out a gift, and said

    Teach the children, that god so loved the world, he gave us his only son, we thank god for his very special gift,

    Teach the children, that the wise men bowed before the holy baby and gave him gifts, of gold, frankincense and myrrh, we should always give gifts in the same spirit as the wise men.

    Santa then reached into his sack and pulled out a sugar cane and hung it on the tree,

    Teach the children that the sugar cane represents the shepherds crook, the crook on the staff helps to bring back lost sheep to the flock.

    He reached in again, and pulled out an angel.

    Teach the children, that it was the angels who announced the glorious saviours birth, the angels sang glory to god in the highest, on earth peace and goodwill toward men,

    Suddenly I heard the softest tinkling sound, and from his bag he pulled a bell.

    Teach the children, that as the lost sheep are found by the sound from the bell, it should ring to guide us to god, the bell symbolises guidance and return, it reminds us that we are all precious in the eyes of god,

    Santa looked back and was pleased, I saw the twinkle in his eyes as he said,

    Remember teach the children, the true meaning of Christmas, do not put me in the centre, for I am but a humble servant of the one that is, and I bow down to worship him, our lord! Our god!
    I would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, a bright new year with peace & love in your world.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    its on days like today that makes me think of others less fortunate,ppl who dont get to open just one present,
    thanks for thinking about me Jim

  4. #4
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    im sure you was up before the kids this morning joe, opening your presents

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    im sure you was up before the kids this morning joe, opening your presents
    one xmas card didn't take long thou
    spent most of the day putting a bike together for my daughter

  6. #6
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimcarie View Post
    Teach the children.

    What a lovely "story", thank you for sharing it Jim.........

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ..............spent most of the day putting a bike together for my daughter
    Poor you, I bought my nephew's new bike from Halfords with 50% discount and they assembled it for me too at no extra charge

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    Poor you, I bought my nephew's new bike from Halfords with 50% discount and they assembled it for me too at no extra charge
    Hi Rosie, i bought my daughters bike from Halfords too, thou i didnt think it would fit in the car assembled , also it kept me out of the misses way while she 'cooks' her pinoy food

  8. #8
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    thanx rosie

    yes its a beautiful story im glad you enjoyed the read,

    @ joe bloggs who needs lots of pesents ,you have your loving family around you ,thats the best present in the world

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