Although we are not regular church goers, my partner and I attended our local village church Holy Communion service with his 11 year old son on Christmas Eve. On reading the service sheet , I was very surprised and then also very touched to learn that all Christmas collections this year are being donated by the village church to help fund many homeless street children in Manila. I therefore promptly completely emptied my purse and also signed a gift aid form in the hope that I could at least help a little.
Having been to Manila four times, I have seen many of these poor children roaming the streets, scavenging and weaving in and out of traffic with bare feet after midnight trying to sell flowers to passing motorists. It’s heartbreaking to see them.
I was therefore very interested to read a display in our church about the work of two local people who are described as CMS Mission Partners (I believe this is what was previously known as missionaries) who live a few miles from me and are backwards and forwards from Manila and I have left a message asking them to contact me. They have been serving with Jigsaw Ministries in Philippines for the past 8 years. What started as playing with a few children from the local slum area has grown to become an organisation working with over 1000 children a week in four deprived areas of Manila.
Jigsaw has a vision of working together with other organisations to provide the needs of those “at risk” including many unloved children. It provides day centres in slum communities where children can meet regularly to play, eat, study, worship and learn about God’s word and above all, be loved and accepted. Today there are 26 staff employed and trained by Jigsaw, all of whom come from and live in the slum areas in which Jigsaw works. The British mission partners have returned to the UK as Jigsaw needed space to grow and be accepted in the communities as a Filipino organisation but the partners still direct via Skype, email and regular visits.
Jigsaw is currently looking for the help of 100 people who are able to donate £50 a month to their cause to help these lovely children who through no fault of their own have been born into a life of poverty. If you are able to help, just want to make a donation or get involved, Jigsaw can be contacted by email at They also have a website that is currently being redeveloped at
Some have mentioned in other threads on this website that the true meaning of Christmas has been lost. Perhaps thinking of and helping others less fortunate than ourselves through an organisation such as the above could help to re-establish the meaning of good will to all men (and children).
Please don’t forget the children and consider helping where you can. For those that are thinking charity begins at home ........ where is home anyway, at least we have one ...............!
I wish you and your family a Very Happy and Peaceful New Year.