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Thread: Answer pls...

  1. #1
    Member jastinewhine's Avatar
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    Answer pls...

    hi everyone. I am due to apply for FLR early next year, and I am a bit confused If I should again take an English Exam though I have already passed an exam back in the phils and results was submitted together with my pcp visa application. shall I submit the same exam result or what? also, I would like to know if FLR will allow me to travel to EU without the needs of visa?... I would apppreciate further clarifications regarding these matters... thanks and hapi xmas...
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  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Not sure about the exam but I would think that you would not have to take it again.

    You will still need a visa to travel to the EU when you have FLR. Depending on where you are going, you will probably need to obtain a Schengen visa.

  3. #3
    Member jastinewhine's Avatar
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    Hello Rusty! Thanks alot that's very helpful...
    I am planning to go to france next year... if FLR would allow me, but since i will still need a visa... I might just postponed the plan... hehe

    Thanks again.. Merry xmas
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jastinewhine View Post
    hi everyone. I am due to apply for FLR early next year, and I am a bit confused If I should again take an English Exam though I have already passed an exam back in the phils and results was submitted together with my pcp visa application. shall I submit the same exam result or what? also, I would like to know if FLR will allow me to travel to EU without the needs of visa?... I would apppreciate further clarifications regarding these matters... thanks and hapi xmas...
    The English test issue has cropped up a number of times on this forum.
    Additionally there are a couple of members who needed to take a new test of be refused FLR.

    My advice is to check (and double check) that you English Test certificate and provider remain on the latest UKBA list of approved sources here

    If it's not specifically listed, you will need to take one that is listed and approved by UKBA.

    There is no problem visiting Europe with FLR most EU countries can be covered by having a valid Schenghen Visa.

  5. #5
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    When did you take your English Proficiency exam? It depends upon the validity of the exam you took I think. For example, IELTS test results are valid for two years only, so if you took IELTS and it is not two years yet since you took it, you can use that test report form. If not, then I guess you might need to take another EPT...

    The schengen visa is also my problem now.. And the trip to France would be postponed too (unless he will go there alone)
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jlags90 View Post
    It depends upon the validity of the exam you took I think. For example, IELTS test results are valid for two years only, so if you took IELTS and it is not two years yet since you took it, you can use that test report form..
    No. If the Provider (awarder) of the English Test certificate is not listed on the UKBA is will not be accepted regardless of when the test was taken.

    IELTS is the name of a test not the name of a provider.
    Important is the provider and their approval by UKBA.

  7. #7
    Member jastinewhine's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe. I checked the list and the exam provider pearson is still on the list so i suppose my exam result is still 100% valid.... I will have a research of how to acquire a schengen visa, and if its easy enough then i will have a go.... thanks alot again. happy new year!
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  8. #8
    Member jastinewhine's Avatar
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    i think my exam ceriticate is still valid... it expires on 2013... anyway thanks for your reply....
    What's wrong with your schengen visa? why is it a problem? is it difficult to get one?
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  9. #9
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    No. If the Provider (awarder) of the English Test certificate is not listed on the UKBA is will not be accepted regardless of when the test was taken.

    IELTS is the name of a test not the name of a provider.
    Important is the provider and their approval by UKBA.
    Oh sorry... I thought I was right....

    Are you in UK justwhine? Do share the process how you get a schengen visa... including that insurance stuff... I will be going with my fiance, I hope the process I will have to undergo will be easier and cheaper... thanks...
    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

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