I'm in a relationship with a wonderful lady from Rizal, Philippines who is here in UK on student visa till Feb 2013.
I was married to Filipina before for 20yrs sadly this marriage broke down although this lady was in no way part of the reason as we only met in 2011.
As we speak my divorce from my first filipina wife is going through under the 5 year separation rule and is expected to be completed within the next 2 months. theres no issues regarding the divorce and my ex is in a settled relationship and I wish her every happiness.
I researched about marrying a filipina and was told I needed a Certificate of Approval but have since found out this has ceased through Immigration Newsletters I receive.
I'm wanting to know if after my marriage is dissolved and I apply to a register office here in London will there be any specific requirements needed for me and my Fiancee to marry.
I really know in my heart I want to spend my life with her and I would be so disappointed and unhappy If I was to lose her through some Immigration Rule.

I would appreciate any advice

