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Thread: just back in the uk

  1. #1
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    Unhappy just back in the uk

    just back from the philippines after meeting jenny in person for the first time .

    sucks coming home

    Wee had a great time in leyte and the surrounding areas and did alot of walking talking etc and we set a new record for the alejandro hotel for the couple (with a forign bf) with the smallest age gap lol (6 months) the hotel staff liked to ask questions lol

    and little jasmine still wonders how the "cam man" got out the cam to visit. never mind.

    and I want a motor bike now after 3 weeks using tricycles it gets addictive, but i cant justify it so never mind.

    managed to get bitten by a horse, mosquito and a ant dont ask!!! lol.

    We only spent 2 days in manila, but i cant say i was to struck on it but maybe i was in the wrong bit. (robinsons mall area).

    but the saying bye at the airport is the hardest bit! Watching jenny walk away and not turning to smile and wave becasue I know she is crying her eyes out hurts.


  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Welcome home Richard, Elsa and I have also just returned from the Philippines. We also stayed in Tacloban (I'm surprised we didn't bump into each other), and normally we stay at Alejandros, but they were full up, so we took Asia Stars instead. Glad to hear you had a good time, and next time your in Manila, head to Makati area where there are more hotels to choose from than Malate where you stayed.

    The jetlag is a killer, I'm still tired now, 4 days after returning. At times like these I just wanna go back.

  4. #4
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    yeah the alejandro was full some off the time we had to go to the manhattan inn for a while. We met a german chap at the lions den restaraunt and a few americans about town but that was it no uk people. We must have been near by lol.

    I was sat next to a lonely pinay on the plane to edinburgh, she had the cold so dont think scotlands weather will her that much.

    the plane is a killer thats my first venture outside europe so its taking its toll.


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