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  1. #1
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    A desperate situation - advice needed

    I worked in HK for 4 months and on my first night met a very attractive and intriguingly strange young woman who was ‘working’ as an escort girl, though by describing herself as a “worthless prostitute” I thought was a bit harsh and a sign of insecurity.
    She was actually a bit of a snob and was very choosy who she went with but I understand she did what she needed to do at the time.

    To cut a long story short, we had a relationship all the time I was there, we kept in touch when she was back at home in San Fernando (Pampanga) and I vowed to visit here there, however I couldn’t get the time off work.

    The relationship intrigued me, I never really felt right or wrong but she fascinated me.

    When my work in HK was done, we flew to The Phillipines together, it was my first time. I intended to stay in a motel near her town but she took me straight home and more than a month later I am still here.

    The two motels we had looked at were horribly lonely and without internet, and the apartment we were going to move into last week fell through, the tenants could not move out for whatever reason.

    Things have been fine, much better than Hong Kong where her mother still works as a domestic helper and, so I’m told, does not know what her daughter was doing in HK, none of the family know. She took me to meet her twice when we were in Hong Kong.

    After two weeks here the mother rang (from HK) demanding, or at the very least – strongly insisting we marry as soon as possible as I was staying under the family roof.
    After a couple of days of initial panic I reluctantly agreed to marry in July fearing if I refused I could be thrown onto the street with all my belongings by the father (who has a history of violence) or worse, end up dead.
    There are no westerners here and I am not able to go very far alone or the family fear I will be kidnapped or robbed.
    The family have been nice to me and I like them, there are 3 sisters between 25 and 30 (one is in Canada) and there’s one brother, 23, who has just had a baby with his girlfriend.

    The girl in question is 27 and I am 32, soon 33. I have had a difficult life and have always longed for somebody to love. I am ready to settle but it must be with the right girl. The only real problems we have had is pressure from her family.
    She says she loves me but I can’t feel it in times like these, it feels like she just wants to get married to please her family, doesn’t matter so much who she gets married too.

    I really don’t want to leave her but she’s giving me little choice. I have offered to take her to England or Thailand with me (depending on where I get my next job) but she’s now taking her mothers opinion that if I can’t marry, she’ll be ok, she can be alone.

    I am not a rich man but am from a reasonably wealthy family, she hasn’t shown much interest in coming to the UK and I could not live here. She doesn’t seem that material either and the family have not been greedy.

    Things not good right now - she's giving it the "It's ok, if you can't do it (marry me) I can be alone", and know I can't, it feels SO wrong right now and all my friends, including one Fillipina are saying we should get away from the family.

    I'm really suffering and she just stares at the cieling like its a major annoyance. It seems that getting married (to please the family) is far more important than whom the marraige is to. She simply can't see or refuses to see my POV and apologises coldly and clinically, in fact I've seen her in tears once in the 5 months I've known her. I'm not saying she's not hurting but I think she's just dreading what to tell her family - and that's not right.
    I'm not saying I should come first, I'm saying that for HER not to be doubting things duing these horrible moments, for HER not to be showing me any support - i.e. Help us get away from the family pressure, and for HER to want everything her way is simply not right.

    I don't think I can let this happen, not even sure if I will last until my visa runs out on June 3rd.

    What should I do?

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Simple answer - Seen it on here before, same advice;

    Plenty of beautiful single no baggage Filipino ladies around who will give you the love & respect you deserve.....start talking to Mary & Mitch on here
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member jta's Avatar
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    hi mr. troubled,

    both of u are on the right why let the family influences your decisions and after all u will regrets. Dont be afraid of her family, u dont have any obligation towards them...anyway balance your heart and mind this time. But if i were u i will let my mind to over rule. u can find the best lady u always wanted to if and only if u open your eyes widely so goodluck!

  4. #4
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Yeah u don't deserved to be with her, start a new life to a nice lady like mitch......she's a pretty woman. looking for a right a guy!

    Here is her profile

    Goodluck mate
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  5. #5
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    get a taxi to the airport asafp

    don't even bother saying goodbye

  6. #6
    Respected Member Philip's Avatar
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    Way too much iffy stuff going on, move on!

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    The situation sounds complicated and like the others my advice is to move on. No family should be forcing you to do this or that.

    Take care and hope things work out for you.

  8. #8
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    I'll agree with most people on this thread, head for the nearest airport out of the Philippines, as soon as possible. As Keith says, theres plenty of nice single Filipinas out there looking for a good guy like you.

  9. #9
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    Its NEVER, NEVER a good idea to make any decisions when you are in doubt.
    CHILL out, leave the scenario and think things over.
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  10. #10
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    Some good advice there,

    The reason this is so difficult is because I've never been sure about ANYTHING in my life. She is not they type of woman I would normally go for, but the type of woman I have normally gone for has usually been the wrong one. I know instinctively she would be a good wife and mother and though we may not be soulmates, we simply get on and that is the most important thing, being able to live together. I find her very irritating at times and I must be careful not to let selfishness get the better of me and take it out on her.

    I will never know if it’s right or wrong and though I don’t HAVE to marry her I do feel obliged to because neither her or her mother can bear for her to be hurt again like she was by her Australian ex. I am also in the second month of my stay in the family home, despite an attempt to stay in a motel and get an apartment – I’m slightly suspicious the mother may have preferred me to stay in the house as it justifies her urgency for us to marry.

    My visa runs out at the end of the month and I will go to Thailand to attend a friends wedding, collect money owed by a newspaper I write for and catch up with friends for a month which will be a good test and a chance for us to miss each other.

    I am not in love with her but I do love her and care about her a lot and would not want to leave her knowing that she’d probably return to Hong Kong after her father would probably beat her up for embarrassing the family in front of the local community.

    I don’t want to be treated differently just because some other guy broke her heart before, that happens – it’s life. But she is not cut out for being a working girl/escort – all be it a high class one. She was lucky in that her ‘customers’ we always very nice, young businessmen but she was not a ‘natural’ so to speak, very choosy and unfriendly and clinical which you can’t afford to be. If that’s what a girl is doing to help her family then she can either do it or can’t. I also sympathize with the fact that unless you are a domestic helper or work at the embassy, Hong Kong is not interested in poor people so there options are not great for Fillipinas or Thai’s out there.

    She and I are very different but then again, opposites attract and I keep reminding myself that if conversation was as important to her as it is to me then we would probably have many arguments, however we have none. When we do fall out it is normally over this whole marriage business and she’s very defensive of her mother.

    Time will tell and the month away I hope will give us the space we need – after all ‘The best things come to those who wait’ and “Fools rush in’ – Two sayings I wish the mother would acknowledge instead of being blinded by past experience and religion (Iglesial Chrstian not Catholic like rest of family) – if things do get worse I will get my own mother to call her mother and try to reason otherwise she will lose me and her daughter will be hurt again – not the outcome I wish for.

  11. #11
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    For some reason I can't post a reply here.

  12. #12
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    I has a long reply pasted and copied and it doesn't show up.

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    You are being forced into a corner and that is wrong.
    If this girl is not embarrassed by her families attitude towards their new guest then they are not good people.
    Jump in a taxi to somewhere like the Swagman hotel which is in Angeles city and chill out for a week or two..You will meet lots of knowledgeable foreigners there that will bring you back down to earth..You can easily get your visa extended there if you need more time..
    If the girl has a mobile,ring her after a week or two and see if her attitude has changed..
    Personally I wouldn't hold my breath..Be careful when telling her your new location as you will have the whole family on your doorstep.
    There are some fantastic places to visit in the R.P well away from Angles city and tours are easily arranged at the Swagman...
    At least enjoy the rest of your stay.

  14. #14
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    why dont you try giving each other a time apart... see if anything changes... if she wants to marry you for whatever reason, other than love... u better start thinking... both of ur lives will be miserable.

    but if u love her enough to wait for her to change... then... goodluck!

  15. #15
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    I has a long reply pasted and copied and it doesn't show up.
    go home and think about it million times before your visa run out and still communicating to her if she dont bother to reply you,it time to go on fine another girl a lot of young filipina girls out there,dont waste your time to her if she dont bother to help you to out in her family...goodluck!

  16. #16
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    Well, what can I say...typical situation happening to foreigners committed to a filipina. A way out of the Phils, her background, her job, her family.

    I think you should ask yourself these questions? Are you really in love with her or the thought of being in love. Are you using your head or your heart. Are you ready to accept in case you get married her when you marry a filipina you marry the family as well. Are you ready to face questions from your friends and family what she does BEFORE you met.. how did you meet.

    The fact she left Hongkong with you is a good sign she's on your side but playing hard to get. I suggest you and her leave the family home and find somewhere 'quiet' for just the two of you. Your mind is now in the 'honeymoon stage' it's your heart telling you what to do and not your mind. I think in this situation you are in now, you have to be practical and logical. Find a place for the two of you and see how she is away from the prying relatives. She might be pressured by her family when she is with them. I think this girl have a good head over her shoulder taking into account of what she does for a living. At the moment she is in her teritory and she's trying to play her cards right. So play your cards well too.

    Tell the family that you want to see other place in the Phils, while you are there, it's a good excuse to get while you can. Don't close your door on other potential partner to be. There are many fishes in the sea. I'm sure you will still think of her while you are on your own, distract yourself from that so you can concentrate more on the logical side of your situation.

    Last but not least GOOD LUCK. Hope you make the best decision.

  17. #17
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    Some good advice there,

    The reason this is so difficult is because I've never been sure about ANYTHING in my life. She is not they type of woman I would normally go for, but the type of woman I have normally gone for has usually been the wrong one. I know instinctively she would be a good wife and mother and though we may not be soulmates, we simply get on and that is the most important thing, being able to live together. I find her very irritating at times and I must be careful not to let selfishness get the better of me and take it out on her.

    I will never know if it’s right or wrong and though I don’t HAVE to marry her I do feel obliged to because neither her or her mother can bear for her to be hurt again like she was by her Australian ex. I am also in the second month of my stay in the family home, despite an attempt to stay in a motel and get an apartment – I’m slightly suspicious the mother may have preferred me to stay in the house as it justifies her urgency for us to marry.

    My visa runs out at the end of the month and I will go to Thailand to attend a friends wedding, collect money owed by a newspaper I write for and catch up with friends for a month which will be a good test and a chance for us to miss each other.

    I am not in love with her but I do love her and care about her a lot and would not want to leave her knowing that she’d probably return to Hong Kong after her father would probably beat her up for embarrassing the family in front of the local community.

    I don’t want to be treated differently just because some other guy broke her heart before, that happens – it’s life. But she is not cut out for being a working girl/escort – all be it a high class one. She was lucky in that her ‘customers’ we always very nice, young businessmen but she was not a ‘natural’ so to speak, very choosy and unfriendly and clinical which you can’t afford to be. If that’s what a girl is doing to help her family then she can either do it or can’t. I also sympathize with the fact that unless you are a domestic helper or work at the embassy, Hong Kong is not interested in poor people so there options are not great for Fillipinas or Thai’s out there.

    She and I are very different but then again, opposites attract and I keep reminding myself that if conversation was as important to her as it is to me then we would probably have many arguments, however we have none. When we do fall out it is normally over this whole marriage business and she’s very defensive of her mother.

    Time will tell and the month away I hope will give us the space we need – after all ‘The best things come to those who wait’ and “Fools rush in’ – Two sayings I wish the mother would acknowledge instead of being blinded by past experience and religion (Iglesial Chrstian not Catholic like rest of family) – if things do get worse I will get my own mother to call her mother and try to reason otherwise she will lose me and her daughter will be hurt again – not the outcome I wish for.

    Thanks again.

  18. #18
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    If a moderator is reading this please e-mail me with an explanation, about 5 times I have posted a long reply pasted from a word document which has appeared when posted but not when the page has reloaded.

    Thanks everyone for your advice, I really can't type it all out again.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    If a moderator is reading this please e-mail me with an explanation, about 5 times I have posted a long reply pasted from a word document which has appeared when posted but not when the page has reloaded.

    Thanks everyone for your advice, I really can't type it all out again.
    As your a new member, the forum is probably denying it due to links, or banned keywords, etc. No post checking after 15 posts........or it may just be too long.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
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    That is what we called "PIKOT" in the Philippines

  21. #21
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its what you call a shotgun wedding in the uk,
    or a typical wedding for a scouser


  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Unlike Mancland, we don't use real shotguns, and crystal meth for cake decoration
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    She, like her mother in HK - just want peace of mind which I can understand. She has been badly hurt before and I don't want her to be hurt again but rushing into marraige will not guarantee hapiness, in fact it could force us apart, which brings me to another question.

    I am going to Thailand for 30 days at the end of this month because my visa will expire and I have many things to do over there, people to see regarding a job and money to collect from a newspaper I was writing for. i am expected to return and marry in July.

    Let's say I did marry her and it didn't work out, what would I stand to lose?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    She, like her mother in HK - just want peace of mind which I can understand. She has been badly hurt before and I don't want her to be hurt again but rushing into marraige will not guarantee hapiness, in fact it could force us apart, which brings me to another question.

    I am going to Thailand for 30 days at the end of this month because my visa will expire and I have many things to do over there, people to see regarding a job and money to collect from a newspaper I was writing for. i am expected to return and marry in July.

    Let's say I did marry her and it didn't work out, what would I stand to lose?
    If you are so full of doubts yourself it is the alarm bells in your head sounding the " Abandon ship" tune.....
    To be fair, you have to give the relationship more time as it stands. But to marry just to please the family ain't on.

    I feel, I must also agree with the other forum members, don't even think of taking it on. She is only looking for some respectability in front of the family, neighbours, etc.

    You are already going to Thailand, spend time there, re-evaluate the situation, and if you really feel you WANTto marry the girl, because you love her, then do it. In your own sweet time... not theirs.
    But personally I would not be rushed into something I would be sorry for, for the rest of my life. Divorces in the Philippines are not the norm. And anulments are on the expensive side and carry a long winded time frame. So you could be stuck with some heavy baggage in case you really find the woman of your dreams.
    Financially and emotionally, you would stand to lose quite a bit, if you went ahead...
    I wanted to post earlier, and strongly advise to leave for other shores, and leave it all behind. My opinion hasn't changed... Close this sorry chapter and move on...

    Only my 2 pence worth...


  25. #25
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    ^ I agree with you but what is making this so difficult is that if I decide not to return from Thailand, what will she be facing? A beating from her father for shaming the family in front of the whole community? She would no doubt return to Hong Kong where she would end up 'working' again - and I wish her mother could know what she was doing then maybe she's have a bit more understanding of the situation.

    She was a very choosy and almost snobbish working girl who angered a lot of young businessmen with her attitude, she wasn't cut out to be a working girl at all and didn't take it seriously, however - I want a better life for her and if I marry when I don't really feel I should then I could end up resenting her and making her life a misery.

    If I leave her, it's still bad for her... I got myself into this situation, though in my defence I didn't realize I would be staying in the family home and expected to marry.

    Maybe if I get a job in Thailand I should offer to fly her out to be with me and see what she says.

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by troubled View Post
    ^ I agree with you but what is making this so difficult is that if I decide not to return from Thailand, what will she be facing? A beating from her father for shaming the family in front of the whole community? She would no doubt return to Hong Kong where she would end up 'working' again - and I wish her mother could know what she was doing then maybe she's have a bit more understanding of the situation.
    Proof if needed the 'emotional blackmail' is doing the trick. Everyone here can see it, you have tunnel vision & guilt.

    Start talking to other Filipino's in chat rooms, dating sites, etc. You have plenty of time & choice, have a siesta from the relationship, step back (don't get drunk)....YOU ARE BEING USED.

    Worried that her family may beat her? What has that got to do with you, they'd do it anyway, whether they knew you or not if that is the way they treat her.

    She may go back to 'work' again. She's done it in the past, it won't bother her, classed as 'normal' for those type of girls.

    All it means to her & the family is that they have to wait a little longer for a new white boy to come along to abuse.
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Proof if needed the 'emotional blackmail' is doing the trick. Everyone here can see it, you have tunnel vision & guilt.

    Start talking to other Filipino's in chat rooms, dating sites, etc. You have plenty of time & choice, have a siesta from the relationship, step back (don't get drunk)....YOU ARE BEING USED.

    Worried that her family may beat her? What has that got to do with you, they'd do it anyway, whether they knew you or not if that is the way they treat her.

    She may go back to 'work' again. She's done it in the past, it won't bother her, classed as 'normal' for those type of girls.

    All it means to her & the family is that they have to wait a little longer for a new white boy to come along to abuse.
    Well put tough words but looks like the facts.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Proof if needed the 'emotional blackmail' is doing the trick. Everyone here can see it, you have tunnel vision & guilt.

    Start talking to other Filipino's in chat rooms, dating sites, etc. You have plenty of time & choice, have a siesta from the relationship, step back (don't get drunk)....YOU ARE BEING USED.

    Worried that her family may beat her? What has that got to do with you, they'd do it anyway, whether they knew you or not if that is the way they treat her.

    She may go back to 'work' again. She's done it in the past, it won't bother her, classed as 'normal' for those type of girls.

    All it means to her & the family is that they have to wait a little longer for a new white boy to come along to abuse.


    "Our" Keith, hit the nail on the head... again...

    Hit the road ... Jack.........


  29. #29
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    I don't know exactly how long you are now staying in our country but my friend who owned a travel agency in the Manila told me that a tourist from UK and USA can stay in our country up to 1 year. All you need to do is to extend your visa for every 3 months.
    I still believe that there are still conservative families in the Philippines but I am not well convinced if she is. But then try to understand and talk to her Mom. Explain your side, a mother always understand. Have a try

  30. #30
    Respected Member troubled's Avatar
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    ^ Thanks for that, yes I will try, maybe in 3 weeks when I have my 1 month 'siesta' so to speak.

    One thing this has taught me, and I hope will teach her is that just because you love somebody it doesn't mean they are the right one to spend the next 40/50 years with.

    To me, who you spend your life with is far more important than marraige itself. Having children, companionship, sex, love, friendship and romance are all natural whereas marraige is not, it is a label expected by others that cropped up somewhere in our history and real companionship is about each others world, however it is somewhat necessary when it comes to visas etc if you want to be together.

    Not only that but these days only the very lucky find their soulmates, I think it's fortunate just to find someone you get on well with, and although she and I do get on, we make each other laugh and we are affectionate but despite her good English - I can't have a proper discussion with her, she simply isn't a conversationist, I can't even watch a documentary with her.

    I really miss stuff like that.

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