so its not just the UK, who are ripping off some of their citizensbut still very cheap compared to the UK
Would-be immigrants hoping to secure residence permission in Norway now face application processing fees that are more than double what they were just last week.
From January 1st, the fees rose to NOK 2,500 (USD 417) when newcomers to Norway first seek oppholdstillatelse (residence permission), up from NOK 1,100 last year. The new fee for applying for permanent residence (earlier called bosettingstillatelse) has risen by NOK 300, to NOK 1,900, according to news bureau NTB.
The higher fees have been imposed by the government ministries in charge of immigration issues, and are being put into practice by immigration agency UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet).
It also will cost NOK 3,500 to apply for citizenship in Norway, while fees for family reunification in Norway have risen as well.