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Thread: Multiculturalism is the wrong concept?

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Multiculturalism is the wrong concept?

    any thoughts on this ?

    This is the first of a two-part series about inter-civilizational immigration There is a global migration, particularly from poorer nations to the wealthier -- usually to western countries -- that is approaching tsunami proportions. It is being called multiculturalism, but that truly is a misnomer.

    Cultures are grouping of peoples, such as Germans, French, Swedish and Americans. All of these Western cultures co-exist in harmony fairly well, have (more or less) compatible value systems and can communicate between themselves. While these are multicultural, they are all within a single civilization.
    Civilizations are greater than cultures

    The concept of civilizations was best described by Harvard's Samuel P. Huntington in his ground-breaking book, "The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order."

    Huntington identified the six great global civilizations: Sinic (Chinese), Japanese, Hindu, Islamic, Western and Latin. He reluctantly allows that there might be a seventh, African, although more and more of Africa is becoming Islamic.

    Huntington's concept allows us to more clearly examine the issues and conflicts of what the media mistakenly calls multiculturalism. It should be called multi-civilizational, caused by global immigration, particularly during the past two decades.

    Huntington refines his analysis to pinpoint three in particular which have considerable difficulty in harmonizing. He identifies the dominant characteristic of each, which is the cause of their ongoing antagonism. They are Sinic, which is the most assertive; Islamic, which is the most intolerant; and Western, which is the most arrogant (led by the U.S.).

    Huntington's analysis shows that the differences of the ideological, theological and historical attributes (and to a much lesser extent, language) cause the antagonism

  2. #2
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    Multiculturalism is the wrong concept? - I fully agree, I never voted for it.

    Blair and his cohorts are to blame

  3. #3
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    Just read Darwin.

    It explains it all in there.

    I think I first read it when I was about 10 years old, and since then everything in the natural world has more or less made sense.

    Man-kind's latest exploits are just happening TOO QUICKLY compared with population movement in the past, that is the problem, but the good old balance of nature will eventually sort things out.....after much conflict amongst the humans on this planet.

    In theory all avoidable, but with arrogant and stupid people leading the way in good old Lemming fashion, we all know what is ahead of us.

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    This issue has been thrust into the fore due to media focus and economic divergence.

    If anyone can unravel the complexities of non-integration. well done!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Multiculturalism is the wrong concept? - I fully agree, I never voted for it.

    Blair and his cohorts are to blame
    I think you forgot the previous 40 years when we had a large influx from our commonwealth under both parties. We have been failed miserably by all our politicians.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    I think you forgot the previous 40 years when we had a large influx from our commonwealth under both parties. We have been failed miserably by all our politicians.
    Over the period you quote there was a fair degree of control and management of immigration and economic migrants hadn't discovered the "asylum" system. Labour from 2000 onwards opened up the UK to mass uncontrolled immigration in order to swell the ranks of future Labour voters.

    Unlike other EU members Labour also allowed Eastern Europeans unrestricted immigration and access to British jobs - infact they allowed thousands of Poles in from the late 1990's onwards years before Poland joined the EU

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I have no love for either of the main parties but it was Macmillon who gave the ok to grant British passports to 100000 plus Kenyan and Ugandan Asians and Callaghan who tried to stop it. After that all the dependent relatives followed, also the arranged brides and their dependents, and they make up the biggest, by far, of the Ethnic minorities.

    Perhaps Blair took his lead for gerrymandering from the ex leader of the Conservative Westminster council, Shirley Porter, who was made a CBE by John Major. She was given a huge fine that was eventually settled years later.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    I have no love for either of the main parties but it was Macmillon who gave the ok to grant British passports to 100000 plus Kenyan and Ugandan Asians and Callaghan who tried to stop it. After that all the dependent relatives followed, also the arranged brides and their dependents, and they make up the biggest, by far, of the Ethnic minorities.

    Perhaps Blair took his lead for gerrymandering from the ex leader of the Conservative Westminster council, Shirley Porter, who was made a CBE by John Major. She was given a huge fine that was eventually settled years later.
    I think the arranged brides is one of many problems caused by the Pakistanis who don't appear to integrate very well into UK society compared with East African Asians. The 100000 figure you quote is a drop in the ocean compared with the > 3 million net immigration under Labours last 13 years of misrule.

    I don't really se how you can link housing gerrymandering with a cynical policy that swelled the non ethnic British population by millions including some absolute scum of the earth who have now joined the ranks of the enemy within.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I think the arranged brides is one of many problems caused by the Pakistanis who don't appear to integrate very well into UK society compared with East African Asians. The 100000 figure you quote is a drop in the ocean compared with the > 3 million net immigration under Labours last 13 years of misrule.
    I refer to my previous reply no 5, up to then the biggest minority,not including the Irish, were West Indians who in the following 30 years were quickly overtaken by the Asian community that probably amounts to around 4 million, maybe more.. Cant substantiate the figures as I dont think they are ever published but certainly more than your " drop in the ocean"

    On the second point, the Conservative leader of Westminster council was found guilty of gerrymandering, the ex Labour Prime Minister so far has not.
    Either way, as we have a secret vote, who knows how they voted.

    My main point is both parties must share responsibility for the shambles we are in. It was after all the Conservatives that took us into Europe and both have been complicit in signed agreements since.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    I refer to my previous reply no 5, up to then the biggest minority,not including the Irish, were West Indians who in the following 30 years were quickly overtaken by the Asian community that probably amounts to around 4 million, maybe more.. Cant substantiate the figures as I dont think they are ever published but certainly more than your " drop in the ocean"

    On the second point, the Conservative leader of Westminster council was found guilty of gerrymandering, the ex Labour Prime Minister so far has not.
    Either way, as we have a secret vote, who knows how they voted.

    My main point is both parties must share responsibility for the shambles we are in. It was after all the Conservatives that took us into Europe and both have been complicit in signed agreements since.
    I agree that there are now many millions of Pakistanis and Indians in the country - my drop in the ocean remark was comparing your 100000 figure with the 3 million plus let in during 13 years of Labour. Remember the 3 million figure is legal immigrants it doesn't include the back of the lorry and overstaying bogus student brigades.

    You're right that the Conservatives must also share some of the blame but the 13 years of open borders under Labour is nothing short of criminal. The Cons have now had 18 months or so in Govt and have done precious little.

    If Blair ever was put in the dock he'd be defended on legal aid by his ghastly wife.

  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    who started the ball rolling

    should have listened to enoch powel

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    He was a brilliant man and a fantastic orator, ostracised for simply telling the truth.

  13. #13
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    More multiculturalism - Congolese Scum of the Earth in Forest Gate

    A teenager accused of witchcraft was tortured to death by his sister and her partner in 'a tale of horror' on Christmas Day, the Old Bailey heard.

    Eric Bikubi, 27, and Magalie Bamu, 28, attacked Kristy Bamu, 15, and his two sisters with pliers, knives and a hammer after accusing them of being 'sorcerers', it is claimed.

    Kristy was in such pain after days of being attacked with sticks, a metal bar, hammer and chisel that he begged to die, jurors heard.

    The teenage boy had suffered 101 injuries - his face and head were covered in cuts and some of his teeth were missing when he was found in the blood-soaked flat.

    Read more:

  14. #14
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    Yes, saw it on tv news today.

    Poor lad.

    Lord knows how he must have suffered.

    It makes you wonder how often this happens back in their home country.

    Of course it was this area of Africa that earned it the name 'The Dark Continent', what with diseases and primitive practices like this.

    I can't see their behaviour and beliefs being easy to 'integrate' into our society.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    I can't see their behaviour and beliefs being easy to 'integrate' into our society.
    The Govt doesn't care just let 'em in the more scumbags the better seems to be their attitude

  16. #16
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I have always maintained multiculturalism is a governmental spin word to make mass immigration more palatable,people are tribal end of story,how many posts on this very forum "Are there any pinays in my area"?Pinays mix with pinays,simple as,visit bradford pakistanis mix with pakistanis,visit luton birds of a feather flock together with the kashmiris,peckham nigerians,visit Southall or hounslow the white people you normally see amidst the sea of dark faces are nowadays eastern europeans Pffftttttttt to multiculturalism,it doesnt exist

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