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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i dont think anyone is on cuckoo land just the goverment, most on here work hard to make a better future for themselves and there partners, we dont ask for anything from the goverment at all, it seems the goverment are asking more from me and others,again i say you live within your means so what ever figure is mentioned you will get by

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    ...........again i say you live within your means so what ever figure is mentioned you will get by
    Steve here has a fair point. One tends to live up to ones means in many cases. Thus another factor in making it hard for anyone to specify a set figure.

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I use to have a small poultry farm near naga city but that never worked out because getting a good price for them once they were fully reared was impossible
    I still have a share in a internet shop in makati which does quite well and a couple of food outlets in dumaguete
    Local businessmen hate nothing more than a "kanu" coming in and making some money
    security is my main concern when i am in the philippines and i dont have much to do with any pinoy males unless i really have to
    I used to have a piggery in Quezon province but know Naga quite well as I lived about 50 miles away in a small town called Tigaon in Cam Sur some years back..
    I assume that your "share" is only 40% as you are a single person so who owns 60% of your capital input?
    Personally I would never do business as a single person here due mainly to that 60/40 rule..
    Pretty high risk strategy IMO.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I used to have a piggery in Quezon province but know Naga quite well as I lived about 50 miles away in a small town called Tigaon in Cam Sur some years back..
    I assume that your "share" is only 40% as you are a single person so who owns 60% of your capital input?
    Personally I would never do business as a single person here due mainly to that 60/40 rule..
    Pretty high risk strategy IMO.
    There are ways around the 60/40 rule and there are 3 of us involved in the makati internet shop

    all equal shares and all english we paid a lot to the right people but it can be done
    the outlets are 100% mine but of course not in my real name if you get my drift

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    a good figure if anyone is intrested, if you become unemployed and are faced to go on benifits life is ...., how do the goverment expect anyone to live on that amount, mortgage, credit, holidays,car, they all go, they are luxurys, i dont know what the figure you get on benifits but why dont the goverment set that as the figure but add a little more, i dont think there are many people who would not disagree with a set amount that is fair for everyone,

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    a good figure if anyone is intrested, if you become unemployed and are faced to go on benifits life is ...., how do the goverment expect anyone to live on that amount, mortgage, credit, holidays,car, they all go, they are luxurys, i dont know what the figure you get on benifits but why dont the goverment set that as the figure but add a little more, i dont think there are many people who would not disagree with a set amount that is fair for everyone,
    well how low would you make it? and what do you say to the person below that figure

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    well how low would you make it? and what do you say to the person below that figure
    Using that logic, why not knock it up to a few million quid......

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Using that logic, why not knock it up to a few million quid......
    I am sure they have already thought of doing this but fear a backlash
    26k seems too high for most of the members on this forum anyway

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    I am sure they have already thought of doing this but fear a backlash
    26k seems too high for most of the members on this forum anyway

    26k knocks out 2/3rds of the working population.......not just a half.

    26k is the national average wage beneath which 2/3rds of the working population sit....

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    I am sure they have already thought of doing this but fear a backlash
    26k seems too high for most of the members on this forum anyway
    Using 26k would also discriminate in favour of those where earnings are higher e.g. London, Aberdeen etc etc

  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    well how low would you make it? and what do you say to the person below that figure
    why change it in the first place, leave it alone i say

  12. #12
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    Some further reading for all you "loved up" guys "for the love of my son" by Margaret Davis

    Yes i am sure most of you know all about this sad case but not all of you


  13. #13
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Some further reading for all you "loved up" guys
    its great when you have someone to love, i dont know if you are making fun in how you are saying this, but try it if you have not,

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Some further reading for all you "loved up" guys "for the love of my son" by Margaret Davis

    Yes i am sure most of you know all about this sad case but not all of you

    I can see how this could happen. But I am not so certain that it is at all prevalent.

  15. #15
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I may be missing something here but surely the figure should be set at what the Government thinks people can survive on. This has obviously been calculated in order to pay people who for whatever reason need to claim benefits. Why should the spouses salary need to be any higher than what the Government says 2 people need to live on. The figures of £26k is just the Government attempt to curb some of the immigration problems by attacking genuine people instead of addressing the real problem of immigration.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I may be missing something here but surely the figure should be set at what the Government thinks people can survive on. This has obviously been calculated in order to pay people who for whatever reason need to claim benefits. Why should the spouses salary need to be any higher than what the Government says 2 people need to live on. The figures of £26k is just the Government attempt to curb some of the immigration problems by attacking genuine people instead of addressing the real problem of immigration.
    Spot on.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Pity this petition is now closed. I would have signed too.

  18. #18
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    single benifet is £65 per week that is what i was on before going back to work after i got devorce but you also get housing to i didnt go on dole or sign on for a long time but in the end couldnt not to but i had hard time out of that money i had electrice /gas tv licence yes i did get one plus my car i went without just to keep it now as am a driver i have to go by driveing rules and can only work 9 hrs a day driving i cant afford two jobs to make up a good wage because sooner or later i would just flip after all i got to sleep sometime

  19. #19
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    Just been reading parts of this thread but my pc is so blooming slow tonight it would take me forever
    Anyway....has this now been put in place?
    Is there a set limit for my earnings when trying to get my wife (to soon be) into the country even though she has a guarentee for a job with a letter from the employer for the visa application?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Just been reading parts of this thread but my pc is so blooming slow tonight it would take me forever
    Anyway....has this now been put in place?
    Is there a set limit for my earnings when trying to get my wife (to soon be) into the country even though she has a guarentee for a job with a letter from the employer for the visa application?
    Oh and no I dont make anything near £26K a year and do live in aberdeen with as high a cost of living as london, but nothing near the wages to match, unless you are in the oil industry, which there are many thousands who arent.

  21. #21
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Oh and no I dont make anything near £26K a year and do live in aberdeen with as high a cost of living as london, but nothing near the wages to match, unless you are in the oil industry, which there are many thousands who arent.
    i agree

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Just been reading parts of this thread but my pc is so blooming slow tonight it would take me forever
    Anyway....has this now been put in place?
    Is there a set limit for my earnings when trying to get my wife (to soon be) into the country even though she has a guarentee for a job with a letter from the employer for the visa application?
    This figure hasn't been put in place. It is just one that the government have looked at. Hence the thread. We are supposed to be hearing more by June 6th.

    It is my understanding that the focus is entirely on you, the sponsor and what you earn.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    This figure hasn't been put in place. It is just one that the government have looked at. Hence the thread. We are supposed to be hearing more by June 6th.

    It is my understanding that the focus is entirely on you, the sponsor and what you earn.
    Yeah but if the government are saying we havent to be on benifts, surely if a new partner is earning as well there is less chance of it ie.
    My earnings are above any entitlement to benifits but my new nurse wife will earn far more then me. So if i get paid off or something (which in this country there is a good chance and already happened in the past to me) she would probably be earning enough to still keep me off benifits until i get another job!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by brinormeg View Post
    Yeah but if the government are saying we havent to be on benifts, surely if a new partner is earning as well there is less chance of it ie.
    My earnings are above any entitlement to benifits but my new nurse wife will earn far more then me. So if i get paid off or something (which in this country there is a good chance and already happened in the past to me) she would probably be earning enough to still keep me off benifits until i get another job!
    I do agree. But unfortunately the government don't see it like that. Not sure why exactly.

  25. #25
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    ts always ben on what we earn, but must wives , partners and girlfriends will work once here, that too should be taken into account

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    ts always ben on what we earn, but must wives , partners and girlfriends will work once here, that too should be taken into account
    They have to base the decision on what paperwork is in front of them

    Of course some poor guy might end up with a very "tamad" wife who has no intention of working once she arrives here

  27. #27
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I dont know what that quote has to do with this either.

  28. #28
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    these things happen all over the world , there is good and bad in everyone,

    as for family and relatives demanding money, seems you made the mistake at the beginning,

    yes contribute to help the closer relatives who urgently need hospital treatment, but with second sight perhaps you ought to have just matched the amont other family members clubbed in,
    perhaps you gave them the impression you had loads of money from day one, big mistake,

    start as you mean to go on, thats my motto,

    reading between the lines ,,,,,, i think perhaps you are angry and hurt inside because of your experience, get it out your system then put it in the past mate, where it belongs and move forward,
    before it eats you up

  29. #29
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    I was never taken for a ride by my x wifes family and they received nothing from me
    after we were married and we made our first visit to her country i met with her family and told them in no uncertain terms that i did not have any money to give them, of course that went down like a lead balloon but it had to be done

    the problem is that most people in that part of the world think that all foreigners are loaded with endless amounts of money, as if we all have money trees in our back gardens
    i have seen it with my friends and even to this day they are foolish enough to keep on giving their money away, the more money you give out the more they will demand and expect

    for me this is not a true loving relationship its like they are buying their "sweethearts" love
    deep down inside surely these guys must know that this is all wrong
    they delude themselves they they have found real love and need to wise up fast

  30. #30
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    True london I really dont understand why these guys give their gf family money lol I would not if it for hospital then yes I would but that would be the only reason.

    My gf got a good job and she send her parents money but she said when she quits her job to be with me her sisters will be the ones to take care them but i made it clear i wont be sending them money or anything after we married im not sweet guy I told her that and she fine she soo sweet lol only wants me nothing else matter she said if she get job in uk she will send them money with her own money.

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