Signed - not just because it might make a real mess of my personal plans for my future, but this is a disgraceful attack on someone's basic human right.
Yes we all know who the people are who are abusing this, so why not make it harder for that sort of scam.

They also really need to put this in perspective, so the government may be wanting to cut down migration, but marital visas - the thing which enables a FAMILY to be together - are not the major source of immigration, that is immigration from within the EU, which we can't stop, and really, we shouldn't stop as it works both ways.

The thing is, yes they want to as one part of a new ruling, raise the income threshold so people aren't coming here and on to benefits. The government "outsourced" this to a thinktank - who came up with these suggestions.

That is what it is though - suggestions. They could say no way and reject them all - or come up with one of their own - £30,000 plus or £10,000 or anything.

I really shouldn't equate "logic" with politicians, but surely setting an arbitary figure such as this would leave the government way open to court cases, and even moreso, as this would hit hard "you know who community", the perpetual accusation of "that's raaaaaaaaaaaaaacist".

Of course it needs opposing, and being aware of it, but it's already January, there's nothing on the internet about definite figures - or even that there will be a figure.

It also has to be remembered, that the average wage in one part of the uk can be drastically different to another part.

It will be interesting to see if this actually happens to be frank. If it does, then the court cases will soon erupt. Governments don't like to make laws they know could be challenged, and give them their due, will all joking apart always err on the side of caution.

If this does come in, it will be a real "pass the popcorn, sit back and watch the fallout" situation.