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Thread: Best& worst times of year to travel to Manila?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Best& worst times of year to travel to Manila?

    Ok, going by what I've read several times and what other people have said, it seems the best times to go to Manila would be November to April as it's dryer with less chance of rain and not quite as hot. I'm just trying to work out when not to go, so I can work out when I can/would most like to go.

    I wondered if people could share their experiences and views of when they went and how they found it in the various times of the year that they went or of couse any Filipinos that live there!

    I read that January and February are pretty dry on average and cooler, March is a little dryer still, but starting to get warmer. April is hot with not much rain and May, hotter still. June it starts to get wet and a little cooler by July, with July, August and September being even wetter. October starts to get a little dryer & cooler and November & December become dryer and cooler as the year draws to a close. Do you agree with this?

    I don't really want to go during a time when it could rain most days or be stuck in a Typhoon/floods or of course go when it's very hot. But I have been somewhere where it was 41C, when I was in Belgium during the weekend when he had record breaking temperatures in Europe/UK several years ago. That was a dry heat and I've never been anywhere that is very humid, so don't know what it is like and whether I'd find it ok or not!

    Thank you for any help!

  2. #2
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    The weather pattern you've quoted is about right for Manila.

    What makes a huge difference is the NIGHT-TIME temperature, which is much higher towards the end of the 'dry season' (April/May).

    Our Summer....June, July, early August coincides with the 'rainy season' in Manila, but normally it only rains for an hour or two in the afternoon.

    You could be unlucky though, and experience a few days heavy rainfall.
    That would spoil a beach holiday more than one in the city.

    It is HUMID all year round in the Phils....much worse in the rainy season though.

    This means that the air feels 'heavy', and you'll have a sweat on after only a few minutes sitting in a room without a fan. Just walking about requires more effort, and long pants will be sticking to your legs.

    Some people find it oppressive, but you do adapt, and you can always try walking (slowly) with an umbrella as a sun-shield, as some of the locals do.

    The girls HATE getting sunburnt. lol

    If you've ever been in the tropical house at the zoo, then that will give you an idea.

    I have been at all times of the year, and really the only time I'd probably try to avoid if I had the choice would be June/July.

    I'm going mid-Feb, and haven't even given any thought to weather, but I expect it to be about 32C daytime, 20C at night (can be 24C in April/May), and dry.

    Daytime temp. doesn't change more than a couple of degrees year-round.

    Personally I never use the aircon out there, partly because I don't trust the cleanliness of the units, but mainly the noise and extra expense.

    Fan is fine for me, and drowns out extraneous noises like barking dogs (all night) crowing cockerals (from about 4am) and the general cacophony of Jeepney and trike horns which can go on all night long, depending upon your chosen hotel.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Good reply Graham, I will be accompanying my wife this August for the first time in a few years and it brought it all back to me. trying to have a conversation with beads of sweat dripping off my nose. Always found Xmas or March/April more comfortable.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The weather pattern you've quoted is about right for Manila.

    What makes a huge difference is the NIGHT-TIME temperature, which is much higher towards the end of the 'dry season' (April/May).

    Our Summer....June, July, early August coincides with the 'rainy season' in Manila, but normally it only rains for an hour or two in the afternoon.

    You could be unlucky though, and experience a few days heavy rainfall.
    That would spoil a beach holiday more than one in the city.

    It is HUMID all year round in the Phils....much worse in the rainy season though.

    This means that the air feels 'heavy', and you'll have a sweat on after only a few minutes sitting in a room without a fan. Just walking about requires more effort, and long pants will be sticking to your legs.

    Some people find it oppressive, but you do adapt, and you can always try walking (slowly) with an umbrella as a sun-shield, as some of the locals do.

    The girls HATE getting sunburnt. lol

    If you've ever been in the tropical house at the zoo, then that will give you an idea.

    I have been at all times of the year, and really the only time I'd probably try to avoid if I had the choice would be June/July.

    I'm going mid-Feb, and haven't even given any thought to weather, but I expect it to be about 32C daytime, 20C at night (can be 24C in April/May), and dry.

    Daytime temp. doesn't change more than a couple of degrees year-round.

    Personally I never use the aircon out there, partly because I don't trust the cleanliness of the units, but mainly the noise and extra expense.

    Fan is fine for me, and drowns out extraneous noises like barking dogs (all night) crowing cockerals (from about 4am) and the general cacophony of Jeepney and trike horns which can go on all night long, depending upon your chosen hotel.
    Well done Graham
    This is quite possibly the best reply I've ever seen to questions about Philippines climate/weather.

    BTW, hope your trip goes really well.
    I'll bet you'll find some significant changes in many ways since you were last there.
    Of course some things never change

    I still wake up to the sound of the rooster (fighting cock) in our Marikina City house

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Well done Graham
    This is quite possibly the best reply I've ever seen to questions about Philippines climate/weather.

    BTW, hope your trip goes really well.
    I'll bet you'll find some significant changes in many ways since you were last there.
    Of course some things never change

    I still wake up to the sound of the rooster (fighting cock) in our Marikina City house

    Yes, my last trip was 2007 so I'm expecting some changes to the landscape, but also because I'm that much older.

    No more walking with my luggage practically the full length of Roxas Boulevard, and loving that feeling of being superfit .

    Fortunately my g/f lives right next to the airport. Not chosen for that sole reason I would hasten to add.

  6. #6
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    Don't expect to get any sleep on New Year's eve in Manila about WW3. lol


  7. #7
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Yes, and avoid the explicit news reports of firework injuries

  8. #8
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Don't expect to get any sleep on New Year's eve in Manila about WW3. lol

    Wow! I feel sorry for anyone with pets that didn't like fireworks there! Remember when we used to look aftera dog that hated them and just a few set it into a state for the whole evening, so with that it would have been a nightmare!

  9. #9
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    ...and gunshot wounds, what with half the security guards in town pissed up and firing their weapons all over the place, plus the grudge killings carried out under the cover of
    the din from the fireworks. Happens every year.

  10. #10
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Yeah, I've been to butterly houses etc, when my camera has steamed up straight away! Lol! Not sure what the temps were though, but the last time I went it really made you sweat!

  11. #11
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    I had a Border Collie for many years, and used to have to get her sedatives from the vet for bonfire night.

    Yep, the butterly house temp will be about right, and if you go to the province you'll also see some magnificent butterflies too.

    Just don't tell the locals that you like butterflies though, because there 'butterfly' means a flirt who likes to sleep around.

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Anyway back to the question. Best& worst times of year to travel to Manila? Any time is the best time for me. As its only another 45 minutes to my wifes place from there..

  13. #13
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    for us Pinoy not all BUT for some which include "me" theres no place like home regardless of the weather from 23-35C in all day of the year i dont mine sometimes 33-38 degree im lovin it.!
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

  14. #14
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    Here is a really good site for 'real-time' weather anywhere in the Phils, plus previous years figures for the whole year.


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