Ok, going by what I've read several times and what other people have said, it seems the best times to go to Manila would be November to April as it's dryer with less chance of rain and not quite as hot. I'm just trying to work out when not to go, so I can work out when I can/would most like to go.

I wondered if people could share their experiences and views of when they went and how they found it in the various times of the year that they went or of couse any Filipinos that live there!

I read that January and February are pretty dry on average and cooler, March is a little dryer still, but starting to get warmer. April is hot with not much rain and May, hotter still. June it starts to get wet and a little cooler by July, with July, August and September being even wetter. October starts to get a little dryer & cooler and November & December become dryer and cooler as the year draws to a close. Do you agree with this?

I don't really want to go during a time when it could rain most days or be stuck in a Typhoon/floods or of course go when it's very hot. But I have been somewhere where it was 41C, when I was in Belgium during the weekend when he had record breaking temperatures in Europe/UK several years ago. That was a dry heat and I've never been anywhere that is very humid, so don't know what it is like and whether I'd find it ok or not!

Thank you for any help!