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Thread: visa stats

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    visa stats

    anyone sad as me out there , and has got nothing else better to do YES socuser keith

    have a look thru this, interesting info in it, its the entry clearance stats for 2005-2006, pdf file 155 pages

    my quick summary

    total of all visa apps, 19% rejected, 81% issued.
    number rejected in 2004-2005 was 19%
    ' ' 2003-2004 was 15%

    whens the best time to apply for a visa oct to jan looks quiet for most visa types.

    settlement apps in 2005-2006 from manila was
    total 1920
    rejected 511
    27% !!! reject rate...

    non settlement apps was
    total 35,205
    rejected 5,827

    for the phillippines overall reject rate 17%.

    while my friends form libya
    settlement visa, out of 205, only 15 were rejected
    reject rate only 9%
    why ????? !!!! ???? must all that evidence of proof of a relationship they have, what all 2 hours of it

    bangkok reject rate is 10%

    by region
    west indies reject rate was 46%
    africa 39%
    yanky land 2%
    south east asia 15%

    visit visa form manila - 30% refusal rate.
    9,700 apps
    6,750 issued

    student visa from manila - 40% refusal rate.
    1700 apps
    960 issued

    work permit from manila - only 9% refusal rate.

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    visit visa form manila - 30% refusal rate.
    9,700 apps
    6,750 issued
    The majority of these are 'family' relate, most individuals do a lot worse.

    student visa from manila - 40% refusal rate.
    1700 apps
    960 issued
    They need to prove they can pay.....what's £20,000 in pesos?
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it makes you why the philippines has the highest refusal rate in South east Asia?

    with places like Singapore & Hong Kong on half that refusal rate..

    and why has Algiers a refusal rate of 1% ??

    makes you wonder why some places are so low, and other are higher? its not the brown envelope is it ?

    and if not for the brown envelope what would be the refusal rate in the philippines

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    and why has Algiers a refusal rate of 1% ??
    Muslims matey.....They have 'Right of way'
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    so true

    but you can't say that , that's not PC

    well good job this forum is not broadcast on tv,,

    after watching the big brother row, white girl calling a brown girl a N***** ,

    i said to my trouble and strife, what would offend her most, someone calling the colour of her skin, or making fun of her height..

    she said both were just as bad, and if anyone did they not be standing still

    i said there nothnig wrong with her height, shes just the right height, so i can lean my elbow on her head when i get tired , ...


    well PC free here, no keith PC . not PVC

    its like little brittan here , where we use to have freedom of speech where you was once able to mock and jest at yourself and others

    and if i've offended anyone, then you've offended me, by being offended

  6. #6
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    Having been to the Philippines, Spain, Malta, Barbados & Holland in the last few years, and seen how un-PC these countries are, I think we in the UK are so obsessed with "correctness" its getting a bit crazy now. I really think we all need to chill out a bit and stop worrying about how our every single move or every single word we speak can be potentially seen as being racist, age-ist, height-ist, colour-ist, whatever-ist. Its all getting a bit stupid now. I live in a part of Wales where racism towards English people is alive and well, funny how the PC brigade ignore that one. Anyway back to the subject at hand.....

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'm in a part of Wales were we've 'disposed' of the Welsh

    The headline news last week Rob was the victimization of red-heads

    I can sue Joe for scousism......or just empty his jisim
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    like there are times, when you can apply for a visa, out side of immigration rules, so taking the mick out of socusers is outside the PC rules

    got me thinking, if its 27%, must be a lot more than 27 people out of 100 who have had refusal, as ive applied for a spouse visa, a visa for my daughter, a visa for my stepson, flr, ilr * 2 = ive had all 6 visa apps accepted !!., so must be lots more who have failed if ive got 6 out of 6 , simple maths i should have had 2 refused !!

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