Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
How are you broken legs you'll be getting?
You got to admit it, they are nice scouse jokes, and some of them, I haven't heard before.
I suppose you can change the theme to cover mancs as well, but I am not so sure that the shell suit for the bride would apply there...
Really, in all seriousness, humour, however black, comes natural to people, to make adversities seem more manageable. Laughing in the face of bad luck I suppose. What is the point of sitting there and feeling sorry for yourself... And manc and scousers have had more than their fair share of s**t over the years. Long years of neglect, high unemployment and poverty... And if they have learnt to laugh at all that misfortune , well, I take my hat off to them.

But Liverpool ... Capital of Culture 2008...
This must be a joke, right???
Why is it that i don't get it???