Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
oh peanutz you should know your own countries history, the spanish, americans and japs have invaded your country, mudered your own people, my own mother has been forced to live under russian and nazi rule, she was only a school girl when the nazis invaded her country, and they burnt the lithuanian books and made all the kids learn and speak german, by the end of the war, 1/3 of all the people who lived in the baltic states were dead.

i'am all for a jewish state, but not in palistine, why dont their friends the americans give them land in america, iam sure the yanks wouldnt like it if someone invaded thier country, kicked them out of their home.. just as my mother and her parents lost thier home.

i might laugh at the jokes, but iam still offended by them, and it shows how stupid iam. but then we all learn from our mistakes. death is part of life, you can laugh at it or not, but one thing for certain we will all die

i laugh at everything, and everyone, and no one is a better person than me because i do, and i'll die laughing with me boots on.. have you heard the joke about a scouser who ....................
I know my history and that does not mean that I have to embrace any religion. We learn from our mistakes and we should also learn from the mistakes of our predecessor's. Don't take me wrong, I laugh at jokes but then as I have been taught and having the wisdom to chose, I chose which are good jokes and which are not. I might die tomorrow, but I will die with a soul at peace for I can make a difference.