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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    blacks and slaves, iam sure there is not a country on earth that has not been invaded by another, where its citizens have been rounded up, shot, butchered and murdered, or used as slaves, britian like most of europe had been invaded by romans, the british empire, nazi germany and the japanese, even the americans today. its thru humor that people are able to try to deal with the situation, as for africa, look at the state of it, you cannot tell me that its all europes and america's fault ? the picture you mention, is disgusting, that a human could do that to another human, but the slaughtering in africa now is mostly done by its own people on its own people, which country in africa is not corrupt ? they cannot feed their straving people but they can afford to buy weapons.. its a up world, just becuase i laugh at a joke, it dosn't mean iam not offended by it or hate anyone. some of the jokes to me are funny, thats my sense of humor, but it doesnt mean iam also not offended by them, or i support the racist who wrote them and put them on a web site, i could laugh at every joke on that site, but iam never going to join the KKK or kill someone..

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    ...., but iam never going to join the KKK or kill someone..
    Thank God for that, I can sleep with both eyes shut now knowing I'm not going to get rogered to death by the sites local white Manc jigger boy

    What do you call an intelligent blonde? A Golden Retriever
    (Apologies to any thick blondes this may upset )

    When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $2.95 a minute

    This site is bloody funny

    What's brown and white and flops on the beach?
    A Filipino and a seagull fighting over a fish!
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    blacks and slaves, iam sure there is not a country on earth that has not been invaded by another, where its citizens have been rounded up, shot, butchered and murdered, or used as slaves, britian like most of europe had been invaded by romans, the british empire, nazi germany and the japanese, even the americans today. its thru humor that people are able to try to deal with the situation, as for africa, look at the state of it, you cannot tell me that its all europes and america's fault ? the picture you mention, is disgusting, that a human could do that to another human, but the slaughtering in africa now is mostly done by its own people on its own people, which country in africa is not corrupt ? they cannot feed their straving people but they can afford to buy weapons.. its a up world, just becuase i laugh at a joke, it dosn't mean iam not offended by it or hate anyone. some of the jokes to me are funny, thats my sense of humor, but it doesnt mean iam also not offended by them, or i support the racist who wrote them and put them on a web site, i could laugh at every joke on that site, but iam never going to join the KKK or kill someone..
    I don't find any humour in that jokes, people try to deal with the situations when they understand what they are dealing about. I am not pointing fingers to those who colonize Africa and who should be blame for it as what it became now, what its predecessor left them is the reality they are living now. History is there to teach us, but we have not learned far from it. I have an easy laugh but I do chose on which to laugh, knowing the root of those jokes takes away the humour of it. I do agree that if you find funny some of those jokes it does not make you a racist or a supporter, but what it makes of you?

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    the root of those jokes takes away the humour of it.
    That's just not funny slipping in that racist show Roots
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    That's just not funny slipping in that racist show Roots

    Silly! I was trying to be serious here!!!

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Silly! I was trying to be serious here!!!
    ....nope.....sorry....have to look that one up
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ....nope.....sorry....have to look that one up


    I need a fresh line

  8. #8
    Respected Member robeth's Avatar
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    Offensive and funny.

    I never missed watching LITTLE BRITONS, sometimes its very gross that it makes me vomit but still funny.
    insanity- doing the same thing over and over again,expecting a different outcome...

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    oh peanutz you should know your own countries history, the spanish, americans and japs have invaded your country, mudered your own people, my own mother has been forced to live under russian and nazi rule, she was only a school girl when the nazis invaded her country, and they burnt the lithuanian books and made all the kids learn and speak german, by the end of the war, 1/3 of all the people who lived in the baltic states were dead.

    i'am all for a jewish state, but not in palistine, why dont their friends the americans give them land in america, iam sure the yanks wouldnt like it if someone invaded thier country, kicked them out of their home.. just as my mother and her parents lost thier home.

    i might laugh at the jokes, but iam still offended by them, and it shows how stupid iam. but then we all learn from our mistakes. death is part of life, you can laugh at it or not, but one thing for certain we will all die

    i laugh at everything, and everyone, and no one is a better person than me because i do, and i'll die laughing with me boots on.. have you heard the joke about a scouser who ....................

  10. #10
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    actually none of the choices just a little mixed up but still very very helpful site!
    Filipina a born survivor!

  11. #11
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    I don't want to be embroiled in this controversial discussion, I have my own opinion on the issue of racism and anything remotely close to it.
    Every body is entitled to have freedom of thought and speech, and whatever sense of humour they were born with, or developed at later stages in life.
    I can see the humour in the jokes posted on that website, I can also see the inner sadness of the people that actually might have contributed to it.
    I am Italian, I get my own share of italian jokes thrown at me, but i am not offended, and do not retaliate. What would be the point???

    But just think about one little thing....

    If we on this website of ours, kindly organized by Keith, and free of charge, were racists....

    Why the hell would we want to marry Pinays???

    Because we obviously rose from the boundaries of racism, bigotry and ignorance.

    Inwardly laughing at some disreputable jokes doesn't make us racists.
    Ok, I do admit, some people might find them offensive and tasteless. But what about white jokes, polish jokes, Irish jokes, scouse, manc, geordie, essex birds, disabled, or whathaveyou???
    We all like a giggle at someone else's expense, it is human nature, you cannot get away from it. It is in YOU wether you like it or not.

    And in regard to the "Jews are stingy so as they have no right to have their own country?"
    The place they live now Israel, was called " PALESTINE" until 1948. But i think that is another topic.

    I am not racist in any way shape or form, I use my intelligence to weigh the various issues, not trendy political correctness, and make my own conclusions... And if I see a funny side in any situation, I will giggle or laugh, regardless if I am at a funeral or anywhere else.

    Enough for today, I just woke up...

  12. #12
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I don't want to be embroiled in this controversial discussion, I have my own opinion on the issue of racism and anything remotely close to it.
    Every body is entitled to have freedom of thought and speech, and whatever sense of humour they were born with, or developed at later stages in life.
    I can see the humour in the jokes posted on that website, I can also see the inner sadness of the people that actually might have contributed to it.
    I am Italian, I get my own share of italian jokes thrown at me, but i am not offended, and do not retaliate. What would be the point???

    But just think about one little thing....

    If we on this website of ours, kindly organized by Keith, and free of charge, were racists....

    Why the hell would we want to marry Pinays???

    Because we obviously rose from the boundaries of racism, bigotry and ignorance.

    Inwardly laughing at some disreputable jokes doesn't make us racists.
    Ok, I do admit, some people might find them offensive and tasteless. But what about white jokes, polish jokes, Irish jokes, scouse, manc, geordie, essex birds, disabled, or whathaveyou???
    We all like a giggle at someone else's expense, it is human nature, you cannot get away from it. It is in YOU wether you like it or not.

    And in regard to the "Jews are stingy so as they have no right to have their own country?"
    The place they live now Israel, was called " PALESTINE" until 1948. But i think that is another topic.

    I am not racist in any way shape or form, I use my intelligence to weigh the various issues, not trendy political correctness, and make my own conclusions... And if I see a funny side in any situation, I will giggle or laugh, regardless if I am at a funeral or anywhere else.

    Enough for today, I just woke up...

    I will very much appreciate if anyone can enlighten me on where the humour lies in those jokes as I fail to see it.

    No one says that Keith &c are racist...If my comment sounds like I am accusing anyone here of being a racist, I ask for an apology, my concern is beyond that, it is easy to point out fingers than to analyze things.

    I beg to differ, it is not my human nature to giggle at someone else's expense and I would like to discuss that human nature further. (time permitted)

    Philistine and Israelites is another matter which needs a more deep understanding to be able to discussed it.
    The use of intelligence should be also associated with the use of our sensibility...hence, that makes us different from other animals. I repeat, I do not condemn jokes as I stated in my previous posts, I condemn those offensive jokes as I don't find any humour in it and I condemn the propaganda of it. As I am also entitled of the freedom of speech, freedom of opinion and freedom of choice this is what my ignorant mind is able to concieve .

    "I am large...I can contain multitudes"

  13. #13
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    I beg to differ, it is not my human nature to giggle at someone else's expense and I would like to discuss that human nature further. (time permitted)
    Jokes fall into these basic types.
    1. Misunderstanding
    2. Misfortune/Cruelty/Slapstick
    3. Wordplay
    4. Status - Fall from status or rapid rise
    5. Stupidity
    6. Surreal/Tangential
    7. Exaggeration
    8. Sarcasm/Satire/Parody
    As a test, see how you get on with these

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baboyako View Post
    As a test, see how you get on with these
    How are you broken legs you'll be getting?
    Keith - Administrator

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