Hi everyone! I just would like to ask something I feel related to the topic...I have a friend who is England now with the visit visa which I believe different from special visa. They plan to get married in England before she comes back here in the Philippines. They already went to the registry and will have their wedding on the 8th of February 2012. I am wondering if it will affect her next visa application since she is in a visit visa, she supposedly not allowed to get married but they said the embassy can't do anything about it anymore once they are married in England already for as long as she comes back before her visit visa expires and plan on changing her Philippine passport change to married status and will be applying on june for a spouse visa already. Is this possible, what will be the consequences of this? will it not affect her future application for spouse visa? I am just wondering coz I told her that it might affect but she insisted that the embassy usually can't do anything about it anymore for as long as the marriage in England is legal even so they did it during her visit only and they are very positive that she will be granted a spouse visa then. Thanks
In principle this is just like having the special marriage visit visa where you get granted 6months visa to get married then return home.
Visa deception is the reason why is gets ever more difficult for genuine honest couples.
I'm not suggesting in any way this case is that serious, but in principle it's the same.
I just have to ask the question, why not just apply for the 6 months marriage visit visa?
It's the same cost and duration, then there is no question of deception. Seems like a pointless strategy to me and only leaves them with some doubts from UKBA for no good reason.
In this case you describe there is no loss of money to UKBA. There is of course 'technically' some deception and it's unknown just how UKBA will react to that. To say that nothing can be done is rather naive.
If any action will be taken can only be known when the spouse application is made in June. If the application is rather weak in some areas, UKBA would take the view that the applicant is lying again and may refuse the visa application.
Also don't forget that the spouse visa application will ask about previous visits to UK, the dates and the purpose, when and where the marriage took place etc.
If UKBA want to be difficult they may request much stronger evidence to support being a genuine marriage and not a sham marriage. Who knows?
In any event the deception will need to be revealed on the UKBA Spouse Application form, unless your friend intends to submit false statements. Now that would be very serious.
Silly position to put oneself in really.