They arent saints,they are indocrinated from the moment they leave school to send,send,send money back to the family,I remember several suicides when I was in Honkers,pinays jumping because of family pressures,I remember the loan-sharks who collected on sundays in statue square and held passports till the debts and their huge interests were settled,I just got back from pinas,nothing remotely saintly about massive mental blackmail on a single individual to provide for a full family of what are sometimes parasites,I have a friend still over there at the moment,every single day she has been back on a supposed "Holiday" family have been arriving to borrow cash,every single day without fail,she hid in the bedroom pretending to sleep once for two hours because she knew why certain family members had arrived but they just stoically waited as word had spread the family bank was home,the human ATM had arrived The pinoy government originally used that "Hero" rubbish to encourage more people to flit abroad to send yet more cash back,they arent heros,they are poor,downtrodden,browbeaten modern day slaves,cash-cows to be milked and I pity them,I know some who havent had a holiday home in years,why?Because they cant afford it,they have no families of their own because they are paying for the kids of their siblings,its a terrible life some of them live,an endless quest for cash to give away,nothing heroic about suffering and mental anguish