Exactly what I said,but I am only a putiI understand EXACTLY what your going through,totally unfair but its pinoy society that brainwashes you into that frame of mind that you MUST provide for everyone,be strong
Pinays call it SACRIFICE,the word says it all.
i might be the only lady who will put my own opinion about this thread....there or here i've been providing for my "WHOLE" family for quite sometime,and it sometimes give me so much stress and pressure,its understandable for my 2 kids since i have a sole custody on them but to my mother,father and my brother (sending him to college) sometimes its too much for me.....i always blame it to our "CULTURE" coz we were brought up with the belief that we need to SUPPORT our parents as well as the siblings.And i always thought that I am just helping them to become LAZY bec.of the financial help that i am giving them,and i dont want to be a hypocrite not to say its really,really giving me a headache now......coz they always thought that being ABROAD is like a bed of roses.And for my kids,i think giving them an EXTRA finance will compensate the thought that i am not there for them and it helps me a bit with my guilty conscience that i left them......this is just my opinion and i hope it make sense