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Thread: Can you imagine these for Phill? Add a mouse keyboard, a Montior...

  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Can you imagine these for Phill? Add a mouse keyboard, a Montior...

    These are a great British Gents concept to get Computing back to its roots and cheap enough for all. It mentions in the FAQ they could run off 4 AA battries.
    It uses Linux and im sure the community which bulids up around it will provide a option of o/s taillored for those not to techy minded..

    Possibly useful for those who need to supply a basic PC to pinas??

    A video explaining the concept and product
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  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i was going to post about this the other day Andy, great idea, but in some ways i think its a step back to the days of the Sinclair Zx81

    for £40 you can buy a much better and useful second hand pc system unit.

    but having said that it could have it uses

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i was going to post about this the other day Andy, but i think its a step back to the days of the Sinclair Zx81

    for £40 you can buy a much better and useful second hand pc system unit.
    You probably can but its a wait and see what comes from it seen some amazing demos of games being demostrated on it plus it takes up so little room while a hulking great big pc takes up a lot more room and power!

    Also the intresting bit might also be it can double up on your TV (if its got HDMI or one of the other ports it has to output) the old tellys in our Phill family gaff and other places i go to now have HDMI so im pretty sure the 2nd hand Korean TV shops in phill will have HDMI tv's soon if not already.

    How about the 2nd pc or back up PC stored away untill the main one goes down and of course you can take over a couple in your suitcase or bung in the bablikbayan box and probably not be noticed..

    Probably also harder for the family to pawn the device as well I know some of the Wifes friends have a big problem with the PC breaking down we need a new one or they more expensive now etc..
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    This is a very interesting thread.
    I read a few new items on this already and I thought how wonderful.
    Takes me back to the early days in many ways. I really believe it will be a big hit with those who want more than just playing games and social networking.
    It's priced just right to get plenty interested in development.

    Remember how many people got hooked on development from those early machines.

    I think it's a great idea.
    I think I'd get one just to see what can be done with it.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I saw amazing demo's on the snes, mega drive and amiga oh so many years ago, how much video ram has it . maybe me been too harsh, but 128mb or 256mb, 700mhz possessor??? is a bit limited for games, but might be good for projects and getting people started in low level programming

    but you can buy a good ibm t43 portable for less than £100 now, or dell d620/630 for around £120. so by the time you've bought bits and bobs for it, usb hub, keyboard, mouse, storage device, speakers, a display.

    but for £15 i would probably buy one, and have a tinker, take me back to the old days of the late 70's and early 80's

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    The (already second-hand) computer I shipped over to the Phils in 2000 had a 1.2GB hard drive and 32mb of RAM, which I'd upped from 16mb.

    Gave jolly good service out there for the next 3 years; surfing the net, designing my building project, etc.

    Pictures could take 10 minutes to download though.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I saw amazing demo's on the snes, mega drive and amiga oh so many years ago, how much video ram has it . maybe me been too harsh, but 128mb or 256mb, 700mhz possessor??? is a bit limited for games, but might be good for projects and getting people started in low level programming

    but you can buy a good ibm t43 portable for less than £100 now, or dell d620/630 for around £120. so by the time you've bought bits and bobs for it, usb hub, keyboard, mouse, storage device, speakers, a display.

    but for £15 i would probably buy one, and have a tinker, take me back to the old days of the late 70's and early 80's
    Very true never a one fits all solution. But if they prefer or have a desktop and a spare is needed or there is a situation where a very small low powered in both senses basic web browser device is needed it might do the trick.

    Lets face it often all the accesories are ok its just the man unit which conks out or needs replacing and then once in use needs hiding for what ever reason either to sto theft or stop the kids playing all day...

    In theory if running off SD card it may mean with a spare SD card or two (No cost for the o/S liscense) if the O/S is corrupted a new SD card with preloaded o/s is inserted and off you go.

    Like you say one to tinker with and see what comes along from the geek community which bulids around it..
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  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    another problem Andy is the speed and write/read life of an SD card and the risks of data becoming corrupted

    more of a gimmick than a spare PC, i doubt you could really use it as one, thou we will see

    maybe s/w will make it useful ? .. I bought the misses a new boxed, HP touchpad for Xmas - work bought some when they dropped the price, i'm sure you know what happened to HP and Webos , they stopped supporting it and then i think the last i heard they haven't

    and HP 'gave away' all their Touchpad stock at £80 instead of £350-ish

    the only problem is Webos, i manage to put on Android on it to ( thought i bricked the thing at one point - misses was going to me ) why the didn't HP put Android on it in the first Place, one of the major Gaffs in IT history , on level with Sinclairs C5

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