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Thread: New Banged Up Abroad-Tonight 9pm-NatGeo channel

  1. #1
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    Exclamation New Banged Up Abroad-Tonight 9pm-NatGeo channel

    Showing the story of Briton 'David Scott' who tells of finding his soulmate in the Philippines – and risking a 14-year prison sentence for adultery.

    Look here for original UK newspaper report 24 February 2008

    Repeats on:-
    Wednesday 19 October at 1:00AM - Nat Geo
    Thursday 20 October at 10:00PM - Nat Geo

    Got to be worth a watch.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reminder Terpe. I am so looking forward to watch it!

  3. #3
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    What can I say.....after being on the receiving end of adultery ?

    Another irresponsible idiot who couldn't keep it in his trousers.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    What can I say.....after being on the receiving end of adultery ?

    Another irresponsible idiot who couldn't keep it in his trousers.
    I can understand your hurt/annoyance after being on the receiving end yourself Graham...but if a marriage is dead and over and both parties have agreed to separate, I personally don't consider it as adultery. The situation of couples meeting as described in the newspaper report happens every day in the west and it's not a problem. Divorce is possible here and people are free to move on and rebuild their lives with a new partner. As we know it's not that easy in The Phil's, and whilst I don't know all of the facts, it does sound as though the ex-husband is typical of a lot of Filipino's and sees this purely as an opportunity to extort money. However, at the same time the English guy should respect Filipino Law and have been aware of it.

    .....I wonder how many members here have been in the same position? Met a Filipina who isn't divorced, but her marriage is over. Under Phil Law they are commiting adultery too

  5. #5
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Not many Pinays or Brits seem to be fully aware how complicated it is when a Phill is married and the marriage has broken down..

    First thing any brit male or female should do is be 100 percent sure they know the martial status of their new phill mahal before getting involved so they can then decide how they want to approach the relationship..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
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    Unfortunately it doesn't require much brainpower to create a child.

    Dealing with the consequences is quite another matter.

    I have no sympathy for such people, only for those they hurt because of their thoughtlessness and stupidity.

    It is the easy option.
    I could have 50 kids and a string of wrecked relationships and lives behind me.

    I'm far from perfect, but I at least try to think things through, take the advice of others, and learn from experience.

    This article should be posted in a prominent place on all Fil/UK dating sites.

  7. #7
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    What really annoys me is people who think ignorance is an excuse for breaking the law, and just because the laws are not the same as UK or USA law that they are unacceptable.
    How annoyed would are we when foreign people are in the UK and have no respect for our laws, and therefore when we travel abroad we should also be familiar with the laws of that country and realise the repercussions for not adhearing to those.
    This man commited adultery, he broke the law, and the full force of the law was taken against him. The thing to remember in the Philippines is that a westerner the full force of the law will always be against you when you are wrong, as people like to make an example of you. In the same respect you must appreciate that corruption exists in the Philippines and money talks! The same can be said for some other Asian, African and South American countries.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I personally know this couple , met them here in swindon and cynthia told me the whole story ...lets not be too quick to judge they have paid their share and is happy now...this program only shows how difficult to understand the Philippine law , money money and more money can only change our law(I guess, it goes the same as to all the different countries)

    anyway,to all those filipinas in the same situation, watch this program as it serves a lesson , if you really love your foreign bf , wait till the finality and decision from the court comes out first so it saves you money and misery and can start a clean sheet in life and in love.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  9. #9
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    Wise words.

  10. #10
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    Good post Sars

  11. #11
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I was in the opposite side to this, my now ex wife after our wedding and before she eventually came to the UK, had a baby by a Filipino boyfriend and registered it in her maiden name with the fathers name too.

    So she broke the law by doing that!
    But when I found out the truth it was I believe too late and more or less impossible for me to do anything!

    I have just checked but I do not think the channel is on Freeview?

  12. #12
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    No it isn't. I'll miss it too, as I cut down my tv cable package.

    Oh well, I'd still rather save the £30 a month towards hols in the Phils.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I don't have Nat Geo

  14. #14
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    I think that i might of watched this before but i shall watch it again

  15. #15
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    I was watching this tv show , and immediatly these questions rushed into my mind:
    1./ This guy met a girl through the internet while checking a cancer website """:::??
    2./the girl supposedly was separated
    3./ the guy stays for up to a week in Filipino to meet the girl.
    4./ the guy comes back to UK,,,and *[[[what a surprise }}}he receives the news that he is going to be a father .....

    Sorry but to me seems like the typical case of a desperate poor girl trying to emigrate using a citizen from a *well enough country*,in fact all the details given by the show made me guess that she got pregnant to trap the guy.
    What I do know that *some girls *use these old techniques to trap gringos, especially in Cuba ,and Southamerica..
    I'm southamerican girl married to an European, and it never crossed my mind to leave my country and even less to use somebody else or to have a child to procure a better life.
    Maybe adultery shouldn't be a crime, but certainly it is a moral offence ,moreover these people must have been aware of the laws of that country ,especially her ; as for the guy what else can I say : Just the classic naive gringo providing an easy fix for some unscrupulous people.
    Well known end ...according to the girl she would never leave her kids,,,but at the end she does exactly that, just the expected attitude of the easy fix ,,who gives a damn I'm better off in Uk !!!.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southabroad View Post
    I was watching this tv show , and immediatly these questions rushed into my mind:
    1./ This guy met a girl through the internet while checking a cancer website """:::??
    2./the girl supposedly was separated
    3./ the guy stays for up to a week in Filipino to meet the girl.
    4./ the guy comes back to UK,,,and *[[[what a surprise }}}he receives the news that he is going to be a father .....

    Sorry but to me seems like the typical case of a desperate poor girl trying to emigrate using a citizen from a *well enough country*,in fact all the details given by the show made me guess that she got pregnant to trap the guy.
    What I do know that *some girls *use these old techniques to trap gringos, especially in Cuba ,and Southamerica..
    I'm southamerican girl married to an European, and it never crossed my mind to leave my country and even less to use somebody else or to have a child to procure a better life.
    Maybe adultery shouldn't be a crime, but certainly it is a moral offence ,moreover these people must have been aware of the laws of that country ,especially her ; as for the guy what else can I say : Just the classic naive gringo providing an easy fix for some unscrupulous people.
    Well known end ...according to the girl she would never leave her kids,,,but at the end she does exactly that, just the expected attitude of the easy fix ,,who gives a damn I'm better off in Uk !!!.
    You have a suspicious mind There was lots of things very strange in the story, the fact that the husband sent a letter demanding money for a divorce , why wasn`t that used as evidence
    A woman who was so ready to leave her 2 children to start a new life would not appeal to me, and also what on earth are her relatives up to that they keep a small arsenal of weapons in their home, an M16, a magnum and 3 automatic hand guns, strange

  17. #17
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    Certainly makes one wonder.

    Always wrap up with people you don't know too well.

  18. #18
    Respected Member chino's Avatar
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    If anyone needs this ep drop me an PM (it should send me an email?) as I have this in HD (1.xgig)

    Or you can download it for free from (if this link expires let me know) - I have the entire banged up abroad (locked up abroad) collection

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    I don't have Nat Geo
    The National Geographic and espn are the only channels worth for getting banged up abroad...i thought the thread was going to be about folks getting pregnant...alas I was wrong

  20. #20
    Member Alona's Avatar
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    hello everyone!
    Luckily i watched this banged up abroad episode the night before my departure to philippines.
    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    No it isn't. I'll miss it too, as I cut down my tv cable package.

    Oh well, I'd still rather save the £30 a month towards hols in the Phils.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    The National Geographic and espn are the only channels worth for getting banged up abroad...i thought the thread was going to be about folks getting pregnant...alas I was wrong
    The Crime & Investigation channel is worth watching. That & Nat Geo are the best two imo.

  22. #22
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    That story makes me really annoyed..have anyone heard what happened with this case right now?

  23. #23
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    I presume this is the story ?

    Should serve as a warning to us innocent guys (or should that be naive ?) I suppose.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    This was all kicking off, when I first joined the forum.

    David Scott, is or was a member here? There was plenty of local TV coverage, at the time especially of his poor tearful mother, always trying to cobble a few quid to keep them going, whilst on the run.

    A few harsh words here I think? Most of us travel to the Philippines, or any country come to that, fairly green of it's laws and customs.

    From what I remember, Cynthia had been seperated from her husband, for quite some time? The husband got wind of a foreigner bf on the scene, sensing a payout & I think if my memory serves me right, demanded £7000? Scott didn't have or wouldn't pay, so the law was followed.

    Didn't see the programme, but yes the moral of the story is, be very careful who you go to meet in the Philippines.

    Interesting, that you know them now Sars.

  25. #25
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    Going back to the Philippine law yes, ignorance is no excuse and who ever breaks the law should face the music but, when there own citizens are doing the same, unless money passes hands little gets done even in murder cases.

    A white man riding a motorbike without helmet, the police will drive through a pack of filipino non helmet wearers to get to the Joe.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    e, unless money passes hands little gets done even in murder cases.

    A white man riding a motorbike without helmet, the police will drive through a pack of filipino non helmet wearers to get to the Joe.
    Spot on.

  27. #27
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by southabroad View Post

    What I do know that *some girls *use these old techniques to trap gringos, especially in Cuba ,and Southamerica..
    Exactly!!...What do you know????
    Just mind your own Life
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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