As a first step, let me say hello Jon, and welcome here to the forum.
Secondly, it's a big ask to expect a response to your question as a start to finish step-by-step guide.
Creating such a guide would certainly take a whole lot of time, and then at the end may not be at all applicable to your own (or your g/f) circumstances.
It would be much better to break down into smaller sections.
Just to start the ball rolling, and before getting into the details of a Philippine wedding and spouse visa application etc, let me just kindly ask you if you have done any research at all into what is currently required from you as a spouse and visa sponsor?
You mention that you are currently not working and living on benefits and disability living allowance.
Have you considered how you will be able to support an additional adult consumer in the household?
Have you considered if your financial status will be sufficient to "pass" the financial "test" of UKBA for the granting of a visa? under both current rules and under the expected new rules.
It's not expected that you will divulge your personal financial details, just that you consider the visa requirements.
All forum members are here to help, but lets try to establish the likely outcome of your quest before going into specific details of how to get married and then have your wife here in UK.
No offence Jon just trying to help.