I'm speechless the penny is finally starting to drop
Immigation does keep Britons out of jobs, government committee admits
Immigration meant 160,000 British workers missed out on jobs in the last five years, the Government’s migration expert revealed.
A Briton is “displaced” from the labour market for every four extra migrants from outside the EU that arrive in the UK, the Migration Advisory Committee (Mac) concluded.
The report is the first official examination of the impact of immigration and showed it has kept resident workers out of jobs.
Professor David Metcalf, chairman of the Mac, also criticised the use of GDP for measuring the effects of the influx of foreign nationals as “pro-immigration” because more migrants will logically expand the economy.
The findings are in contrast to a study by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (Niesr) which claimed the number of immigrants coming to the UK had little or no impact on the number of unemployed.
However, the impact and displacement of British workers also does not last forever, the Mac report found.
Figures obviously dumbed down - add an extra zero to the 160k, this report only covers outside EU immigration conveniently ignores the hordes from Eastern Europe