Quote Originally Posted by adam1982 View Post
Hi all, I'm Adam 27 from the uk. I work in the middle east and I'm currently seeing a filipino girl in dubai.

Its great she is a wonderful woman,
I'm just not 100% sure if I'm the only guy she is seeing, she once told me that a lot of girls here have a western boyfriend to take them out and buy them things and filipino boyfriend that they are serious about, she told me shes not one of them but the idea is really offensive to me that she could just be using me.
Hi Adam

Welcome to the forum.

I do wonder whether this girl views your relationship in the same way that you do and I would suggest that you openly discuss your thoughts and feelings with her. It appears that your gut instincts are telling you not to trust this girl and from what I have read so far, I don’t blame you but you really ought to discuss it further. If you value your future happiness please don’t ignore your instincts, after all, there is no smoke without fire and this issue will eat away at you until it is finally resolved.

Best of luck