Hello guys!
Yes it's really cold & when I first go out It was WOW! My husband was laughing at me. Lol. I had to put on 2 jackets,coat, boots and beanie

Whereabouts- we're a bit geeky so I asked my hubby to take me to jodrell bank, since we both love astrology

Shopping in trafford center is great as well

big difference when it comes to shops, buildings and i also find the packaging of goods In Tescos very different from what I'm used to..
We have lots of places to go in the next few months, I'm still enjoying my new home, my loving hubby & we are cooking food for each other, Asian & European cuisine at home is really awesome
I find out that British people are really friendly and helpful.. At the airport, a nice woman called my hubby to tell him I touchdown and waiting for him in gate 2.. People always smile and greet me in our neighborhood.. When shopping, people stare at me and sometimes make me feel like I'm a foreigner (well I am) lol but my husband experience that in the Philippines as well so now I know the feeling. All in all UK is a very beautiful country!
Oh, milk in tea? I love it... When my husband and I talk about our culture it shocks us both, it's really funny. He have a lot of things to learn about Filipino and I'm willing to learn about his culture too. Woohoo!