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Thread: Return of my Passport

  1. #1
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    Return of my Passport


    I am waiting for my wife's ILR approval since November. The UKBA have my passport and I will need this at the end of March. There is no way of knowing if it will be processed and returned by then so I may have to cancel my trip but don't want to cancel yet incase it comes the day after.

    (1) Is it possible for UKBA to return my passport only, WITHOUT prejudicing the ILR application. (document return service is availabe but application status becomes withdrawn)

    (2) What IN THEORY would happen if I were to apply for a new passport 2 weeks before the trip claiming that my other one was lost.....risky ground I know but just curious

    (3) If I do use the document return service, go on the trip, then re-send my passport, will the ILR application resume ?


  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    You may request the return of your passport. However, if your visa has not yet been decided, then your application may be treated as abandoned.

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