Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
I understand where you're coming from Joe, but actually I was well into the music of that (Paul Weller's) time, and I enjoy most of the current stuff too.....my advancing years not having altered my 25 year-old mentality at all.

I was just never particularly moved by Mr.Weller.
I quite like Paul Weller but cant really say he is in the same league as the Beatles. I suppose it helps if one has lived through the various eras but I cant think of another UK band that had as much impact on the UK peoples every day lives as the Beatles, not before or since. Turn around for 5 minutes and there was another hit released - I distinctly remember that.

"During the week of 4 April 1964, The Beatles held twelve positions on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart, including the top five positions. Neither feat has been matched by any other artist to date."

I quote from a website I have just googled....

"No rock ‘n roll group had more influence on a generation and the world as did The Beatles. They single handedly changed the period known as the ‘Sixties’ and their influence is still being felt today. Music, culture, lifestyles, hairstyles, clothing styles and attitudes all changed because of this remarkable band that emerged out of Liverpool England in the early 1960s."

In a time when there isnt so much to be proud about, the Beatles make me proud to be British, along with Alf Garnett (Just jestin about Alf)

Having said that I prefer the music of the Who.

What do Elton John, Rod Stewart and the Who got in common? They each did a great version of Pinball Wizard. I saw Rod Stewart and Elton John each perform it seperately live. I never saw the Who live, though saw Quadrophenia when it first came out.