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Thread: No justice for sappers patrick azimkar and mark quin

  1. #1
    Member jayzel's Avatar
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    No justice for sappers patrick azimkar and mark quin

    As a citizen of the town of Antrim and this country I would like to apologise on behalf of the majority to the families of the two soldiers for our failure in securing a conviction and therefore justice against a guilty man in colin duffy..obviously our justice system is still corrupt or a massive mistake has been made..hope the families know that the vast majority of people both protestant and catholic hate that scumbag and where in no doubt about his guilt..may the conviction of shivers at least bring some sort of justice and closure to the horrific murders..

  2. #2
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    Colin Duffy, this guy has been charged 3 times with murder, every time been found not guilty. Something is wrong when they find his DNA is the car used to escape from the murder scene and he still walks away.

  3. #3
    Member jayzel's Avatar
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    yea they get convictions with DNA on a matchstick but when found on the seatbelt fastener and the fingertip of a rubber glove its dismissed,DISGUSTING,the community is at one with there support to the families of the young men,remember its just not afghan or iraq its closer to home for all !!!

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