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Thread: Waiting Time for Settlement Visa

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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Recently My Wife rang Cava to apply for a spouse Visa Interview. She was given a date In october. Which was an ideal time for us for so that i could get Leave at work and both of us plan all the last details.

    So our wait time is approximatly 12 weeks which is fair enough for the time of the year. As its seems to be the time most applications submitted.

    Anyway i clicked on the wrong link in my favourites today and it was the uk visas waiting times page. It quotes 45 weeks for manila at the moment this surely can't be right?

    I presume its was either a typing error or security has tightened up after 7/7.

  2. #2
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Jul 28 2005, 10:45 PM

    I presume its was either a typing error or security has tightened up after 7/7.
    45 weeks? That must be an error surely?

    Pete? What do you reckon?

  3. #3
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    You find the UK page quotes 'worse case scenario'. My wife's UK passport was quoted as 9 months, it took 6 weeks, her VISA renewal quoted at 3 months, took 2 days!!!

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  4. #4

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    Originally posted by admin@Jul 29 2005, 07:55 AM
    You find the UK page quotes 'worse case scenario'. My wife's UK passport was quoted as 9 months, it took 6 weeks, her VISA renewal quoted at 3 months, took 2 days!!!
    I think they're a bit speedier in the UK than out at the Embassy, who have only just received the official memo informing them of the demise of the shilling and its replacement with this new fangled decimal system idea. It'll never catch on, apparently.

    6 weeks is probably the average waiting time for a settlement visa - if they're quoting October, they're either getting busier than normal, or they're just getting even more inefficient.

    If immigration in the UK says 3 months, it'll be done in half the time. If the Embassy says 3 months, expect to wait at least 6.

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Pete? What do you reckon?

    The official waiting time quoted is 13 weeks for Manila, I got this from the Hansard reviews in Parliament, Manila is one of the longest waiting times, of course, who knows with them, not my favourite pals right now, but tell you what,

    I am back in country on or around 15th-22nd August I will ask for you, dont hold you breath, they dont exactly like me very much, but I can but try, first, I have to get past the Philippine Marines, a packet of fags each should do the trick.

    Then there is the private securitty guard, again same thing a packet of fags, 30 pesos each, not bad, only spent 90 pesos so far.

    Then there is the reception at the ground floor Locsin Building, some grinning Filipina with a smile, that looks like a possum eating a sweet potatoe (cant let you in sir, policy)

    Then a security check, and a lift to the 15th floor, then just maybe..just maybe I might find out the information you want, but listen pal, if you go out there, dont pinch the yellow lamp post on the pavement, thats Mine....know what I mean..I stand there, thats why I have a bright yellow stripe up my Fred Perry shirt, and one up my ass.

    Question: whats the difference between the British Embassy Manila and a toilet ?

    Answer: You can flush a toilet !!!

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    not my favourite pals right now
    Wonder why? :lol:

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  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    LOL Pete I know what you mean the Embassy does seem tough to get in even when you have business there and all the correct ID.

    Both the Wife and Me are ok with our date for the Interview (would like sooner but then I would like to win the Lottery but lifes never perfect)

    But any one looking at the latest waiting time on the web page would be seriously annoyed that the date has gone from about 4 or so weeks a few months back to 45!!!

    Your comments should have given some hope to those yet to put in application.

    I was surprised that My Wife was told during the call to CAVA, that the Embassy would pick up certain Paperwork before the date of the Interview. Is this a new procedure? It seems it changes every few months.

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Jul 30 2005, 09:54 PM

    I was surprised that My Wife was told during the call to CAVA, that the Embassy would pick up certain Paperwork before the date of the Interview. Is this a new procedure? It seems it changes every few months.
    Its changed again? I know up until August last year, CAVA acted as a courier service for the whole visa process, meaning you sent the application and all supporting documents and passports, etc and then the Embassy checks, verifies, and if they are happy, return the passport with a visa via CAVA. This all changed after the chaos with the problems in Romaina and Bulgaria.

    I'm thinking maybe they've partially gone back to using CAVA, but this time to process applications, and to let the Embassy deny or grant visas.

    I dunno why they need to keep changing the system all the time, it only leads to confusion, especially when the Manila Embassy website seems to give contradictory information.

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Jul 30 2005, 10:18 PM
    Its changed again? I know up until August last year, CAVA acted as a courier service for the whole visa process, meaning you sent the application and all supporting documents and passports, etc and then the Embassy checks, verifies, and if they are happy, return the passport with a visa via CAVA. This all changed after the chaos with the problems in Romaina and Bulgaria.

    I'm thinking maybe they've partially gone back to using CAVA, but this time to process applications, and to let the Embassy deny or grant visas.

    I dunno why they need to keep changing the system all the time, it only leads to confusion, especially when the Manila Embassy website seems to give contradictory information.

    Well hopefully it means my Wife will stop worrying about how she will carry the excessive weight which is the Paperwork we have collected and which is growing by the day

    Hopefully it also reduce the waiting time for the Applicants once inside the Embassy.

    I have a feeling its wishful thinking but one can always hope.

    What happened in Romaina and Bulgaria?

    Just hope if the Embassy have reservations about the paperwork they give us the Chance to provide evidence to counter that claim.

    Having read a site which speclizes in Imgration matters from all over the world a lot of the Embassies in potential hotspots like pakistan etc. Try to avoid having the Applicants enter the embasy due to security concerns.

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by andypaul@Jul 31 2005, 11:41 AM

    What happened in Romaina and Bulgaria?

    Click here UK Diplomat Punished for Immigration Leak

    Seems they were fast tracking visas to anyone and everyone..

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Jul 31 2005, 12:29 PM
    Click here UK Diplomat Punished for Immigration Leak

    Seems they were fast tracking visas to anyone and everyone..

    Thanks Rob i remeber now reading and hearing about that now. Just shows you how our lifes can be affected by events all over the world now.

    Just hope that we have no problems with the latest procedure.

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by walesrob@Jul 30 2005, 10:18 PM
    I'm thinking maybe they've partially gone back to using CAVA, but this time to process applications, and to let the Embassy deny or grant visas.

    I'm pretty sure I read today on the embassy puzzle page that settlement visas have to be done in person, not by courier.

    Whereabouts does it give the average waiting time on the web page, as I never saw anything like that today in the few hours I spent working my way round the maze.
    Cheers, Paul

  13. #13
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 4 2005, 08:33 PM
    I'm pretty sure I read today on the embassy puzzle page that settlement visas have to be done in person, not by courier.

    Whereabouts does it give the average waiting time on the web page, as I never saw anything like that today in the few hours I spent working my way round the maze.
    Cheers, Paul

    The average waiting time for the British Embassy in Manila, is currently 13 weeks, the next batch of appointments are for October 2005, (accurate trust me)

  14. #14

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    Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 4 2005, 08:33 PM
    I'm pretty sure I read today on the embassy puzzle page that settlement visas have to be done in person, not by courier.

    It's both. You need to ring the courier to collect the visa, and pay them for the privilege (even if, like us, you lived a stone's throw from the Embassy in Makati), and then they get in touch and tell you when to go for your interview.

    So you still get the fun of queuing outside in the heat, only now, you've paid the courier a day's philippine wages just to collect your package from you as well.

    Or something like that - it keeps changing and may have changed again - for a while they experimented on giving straightforward settlement visas out with NO interview!! Can you imagine how good those golden days must have been?

    Another possibility they may be doing now is no longer having the courier pick up your stuff for a settlement visa, but you still need to ring their expensive rip off premium rate number which only about 3 phone lines in the Philippines are able to connect to (woe betide you if you don't have pldt, they make it as hard as possible for you right from the first phone call), i order to book an interview date.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by peterdavid@Sep 6 2005, 08:15 PM
    It's both. You need to ring the courier to collect the visa, and pay them for the privilege (even if, like us, you lived a stone's throw from the Embassy in Makati), and then they get in touch and tell you when to go for your interview.
    My wife called the Manila embassy yesterday, from the UK. She was told you have to phone them to make an appointment, then they give you a date to roll up personally and hand in your application. (13 weeks wait currently)

    They will eyeball the paperwork there and then, and decide if you will be one of the lucky ones to be granted a visa that day. It may take two weeks to issue the visa. (course, 'two weeks' in the Philippines means 'less than a year&#39

    If they want an official 'sit down' interview it can take many more weeks to wait for that.

    'course, that was yesterday Today may be totally different :(

  16. #16
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    especially when the Manila Embassy website seems to give contradictory information.
    They still think the site is correct, remember that they don't know yet Harold Wilson lost the election!! :lol:

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  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Originally posted by admin@Jul 31 2005, 09:26 AM
    They still think the site is correct, remember that they don't know yet Harold Wilson lost the election!! :lol:

    What he did next your be telling me we will have a Lady Primeminster :o

  18. #18
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    That's the problem with Embassies/Immigration they change the rules without notice.

    Twice we sent immigration papers off to the IND to sort out the wife's citizenship, and twice they sent them back saying they had new forms now, and all this in 3 months!!!

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  19. #19
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    This what worries me about calling for information:the person who aswers the phone is probably just a telephone operative, and don't actaully KNOW any hard facts.
    With the Philippine telephone system, it could be the bloody butcher!!! :o

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  20. #20
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Hi Guys,
    a guy i know got a reply just yesterday from the British Embassy in Manila when he asked what is the latest about waiting for settlement visas.I have posted the reply.

    [COLOR=blue]Thank you for your email.

    She may apply for a wife visa after your wedding.

    [B]Effective 05 September, all visa applications are now qualified to use our courier service. All applications will all first be assessed on paper and if an interview is needed the Visa Call Centre representative will advise the applicant shortly. The initial assessment process may more or less take around 4 working days upon receipt at the embassy. If the application is approved, the whole process may take around 7 -10 working days.

    I hope this clarifies your enquiry.

    Yours faithfully,

    Pamela Maria Gauna
    Entry Clearance Assistant

    Was wanting to know what difference this makes in the time it takes for the whole visa process for the settlement visa.They give the impression it is not long but after reading through this website i doubt it but was looking your views on this.Sorry if you have answered this somewhere else on this website..


  21. #21
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    Originally posted by Eljohno@Sep 21 2005, 05:26 PM
    Hi Guys,
    a guy i know got a reply just yesterday from the British Embassy in Manila when he asked what is the latest about waiting for settlement visas.I have posted the reply.

    [COLOR=blue]Thank you for your email.

    She may apply for a wife visa after your wedding.

    Effective 05 September, all visa applications are now qualified to use our courier service. All applications will all first be assessed on paper and if an interview is needed the Visa Call Centre representative will advise the applicant shortly. The initial assessment process may more or less take around 4 working days upon receipt at the embassy. If the application is approved, the whole process may take around 7 -10 working days.

    I hope this clarifies your enquiry.

    Yours faithfully,

    Pamela Maria Gauna
    Entry Clearance Assistant

    Was wanting to know what difference this makes in the time it takes for the whole visa process for the settlement visa.They give the impression it is not long but after reading through this website i doubt it but was looking your views on this.Sorry if you have answered this somewhere else on this website..

    Coincidentally, my wife phoned my aunt today, who has just phoned the embassy/CAVA about just the same thing, and she was given a very similar reply too: Call up, make an appointment to have a courier collect the paperworks, and they'll let you know within 21 days as to the status of the visa application. If you need an interview it should be around 10 days.

    Application is currently 27,000 pesos for settlement, paid by Equitable banks managers cheque.

    Of course, this is the theory behind the current scheme. What it pans out to in reality is probably a different, more familiar, story......... :unsure:

  22. #22

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    Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 21 2005, 08:27 PM
    Coincidentally, my wife phoned my aunt today, who has just phoned the embassy/CAVA about just the same thing, and she was given a very similar reply too: Call up, make an appointment to have a courier collect the paperworks, and they'll let you know within 21 days as to the status of the visa application. If you need an interview it should be around 10 days.

    Application is currently 27,000 pesos for settlement, paid by Equitable banks managers cheque.

    Of course, this is the theory behind the current scheme. What it pans out to in reality is probably a different, more familiar, story......... :unsure:
    Get in quick then. They flirted with this idea before and ran it for a few months - and people were having their visa issued, interview free, within a week. Then they seem to get cold feet and go back to the old, painful method.

    Not sure why they stopped doing it first time round (too many fraudulent visas being issued...?), or whatever has prompted them to try again, other than to reduce the backlog, but if that's what's happening now, then I'd go for it quicksmart before they stop it again.

  23. #23
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    Just to add,

    Just back from 6 weeks in manila. And my now wife is waiting for her visa application to be seen!

    Made all the visa appointments the day I landed under the CAVA system, and then went on to be married. My wife and I then started to assemble the papers ready to collect, and I phoned to understand some ambiguity in the instructions.

    I was told then the appoinments had been cancelled and the process had changed. But the f*&king wastes of space did NOT contact us to tell us they'd cancelled the appointment. We'll just have to see what happens as to visas and interviews over the next weeks.

    But I'm hopping mad they did not inform us the appointment was cancelled.


  24. #24
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    Originally posted by misterfixit@Sep 22 2005, 01:17 PM
    ...But I'm hopping mad they did not inform us the appointment was cancelled.
    What exactly has changed then, if you made the appointment through the CAVA scheme? I thought that had only just been implemented? For settlement anyway. Isn't the rest of it as it has always been?

    I think we need to keep right on top of this situation as it seems extremely volatile and is costing people money with all the hanging around and changing of minds. Some official complaints seem to be in order.

    I'm going through this process right now to get my wifes mum over, so I can relate it blow by blow here as time passes. Right now we're just getting the last bits of the paper trail together, then we'll Fedex it all over, complete with sponsorship letter, then it can be collected by the CAVA boys. Then we wait! :( :(

  25. #25
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    it is really hard to know what to think as it seems to be to good to be true.I am due to get married at the end of November so i hope it is still the same after my wedding.Thanks so far for your input...John

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